Chapter 13

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I walked to school this morning. I wish I could have laid in Ethan's arms all day, but I knew that was impossible.

I stopped by my locker to drop off my books. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took my phone out, and saw it was a text from Ethan.

You look beautiful in that dress.

I was confused on how he knew I was wearing a dress. When I turned around to find him, he was with Heather. He was standing in front of Heather with her back to me. He saw me looking and he smirked at me, then looked away. It made me blush. I turned back around, closed my locker and walked to class.

In first period, the teacher lectured. I could not pay attention. My eyes kept wandering to Ethan. Finally, the class ended. After I finished packing my messy notes, I walked out to my next class. I noticed Ethan and his crew had already left.

I took a secret route to get to my class. It was faster and barely anyone knew about it. I was half way to my class when I felt a rough tug at my hands that shocked me. The person pushed me to the nearby wall, then I saw who it was. Ethan.

He had a huge grin on his face as his right hand moved to my face and his left hand made its way to my waist.

"Hey," he said.
I smiled. He took his luscious lips to meet up with mine. As we kissed, he lowered his left hand to crawl under my dress and to my butt cheeks, then he lifted me up. I straddled my legs around his waist to keep balance with my back still held against the wall. We made out for what felt like a lifetime. When we pulled away to catch a breath and he dropped me back to the ground, we just kept staring at each other with huge grins. I then realized it was still passing period, and I needed to get to class.
"I need to get to class" was the first thing that popped out of my mouth.
"I'll see you at your house then, without that dress, though it looks beautiful on you" He flirted, as he kissed me one last time. I then rushed to class. I sighed and smiled bigger than I ever thought I could.
The day felt like a lifetime! In fourth period, I was so close to Ethan yet so far. He was with his people and I was by myself as usual. However, I would catch him throwing looks my way, good ones by the way. I wanted school to be over and for my lips to be against Ethan's. I knew he had practice after school, but if this class ended the day would have gone faster. The clock slowly ticked when I needed it not to be the most. The final bell rang for the day. I quickly packed my things and rushed to the door. I briefly passed Ethan in which I heard him say, "5:00". I wasn't sure who he was talking to. I could not look back at him or else his people would notice. I decided to just leave. He probably wasn't talking to me. He was still trying to work things out.. Not start anything.
Around 5:00 my door bell rang, I thought it was my mom, though she usually did not come home this early. When I saw who it was, my smile gleamed so brightly with surprise.
"I guess you didn't hear me back then, by the look on your face," Ethan said.
"I heard you," I said with a huge grin, but standing still. "I just didn't know you were talking to me."
"I wasn't lying when I said I'll meet you back at your house." He stepped closer. "You don't expect me to just leave what I started during passing period, did you?" 

I swayed my head sideways.

"Well then?" he said with his arms opened. I couldn't fight it off anymore. I jumped into his arms and our lips crashed. He smelled of sweat, but I couldn't pull away. When we did pull away for breath, I lightly laughed.
Confused, he asked "What?"
Continuing my laugh, I said, "You stink".
He seemed embarrassed at first, but then he replied with, "Good, I wanted to shower with you". He picked me up bridal shower and brought me upstairs to the bathroom where he turned on the shower and stripped us both of our clothes.
We caressed each other's body as we invaded each other's mouth with our tongues under the steaming water. He then slid his hands as he reached under to my clit and starting rubbing it with his fingers, teasing it. It made me groan. He then brought his fingers deeper inside of me. A little moan was creaking out of me.
He whispered. "Do I stink now?"
I couldn't say anything. I just shook my head no.
He then took one of my hands to grab his member. My whole hand covered his manhood. He started moving my hand up and down to stroke. He grabbed it again after a little while and slid my hands up from his V-line to his hard rock chest and then to his neck. He leaned in close to my face with his fingers still teasing me.
"I am trying really hard. Am I succeeding?" My mind was so all over the place that I just nodded my head. "Do I get a prize?" All I could think of doing was kissing him which I did. As we engulfed in each other, he picked me up and turned off the faucet. He brought me to the bed and sat down with me straddling him. My hands held onto his back as I moved up and down on his member. We then sped up the pace as he lifted and bounced me. That went for awhile before he flipped me to face the wall as he leaned down on the mattress. He then held my waist as he penetrated himself into me. I rode him until we both became tired.
I laid next to him as we panted hot air towards each other's face. He then leaned in to kiss me softly. I smiled, and he smiled back. With my hair all over my face, he pulled it back. We were silently just staring at each other until he spoke.
"Come to my practice." 

I was shocked.

"What?!" I laughed nervously.
"I want you to come to my practice." Was he crazy?
"You know I can't do that." 

I couldn't look at him so I looked down, drawing random shapes on his defined abs.

"And why can't you?"
"I just can't." 

I continued drawing circles without looking at him. He grabbed my finger. I looked up to his face. 

"Remember what I said? " I just stared at him. "I'm trying to change our relationship... Trying to make it work. Obviously, we can't rush into it but we can take mini steps.. So let me continue to try. Okay?" I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say okay, but I didn't wanted to say no either. I just got up from the bed with the sheets wrapped around me. I heard him get up too.
"What is it?" He asked. I turned around to look at him.
"Tell me.. " He said as he walked around my bed to me.
"I can't..." He looked frustrated. "People would be staring. Asking each other why a nobody like me would be watching baseball practice."
"Who cares? Nobody really cares about who's watching anything."
"And, you're still with Heather."
He sighed a loud sigh.
"I know but..."
"But, nothing." I smiled weakly. "I'll support you through spirit, I promise." I kissed him on the side of his lips. However, he held onto my waist and kissed me harder.
"But, it's everything," he whispered.
Omfg. 5000+ views and almost 100 likes? This is incredible. You guys are all amazing! Tysm! Please continue to support and bare with my slow updates. lol I'm trying my best b/c I do really want to finish this story! Keep on the lookout for the next chapters! Remember to rate and comment if you like this story! I love my readers <3

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