Chapter 30

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The week flew by like a breeze. It was already Friday. Tonight was my "date" with Theo. This was perfect. It would definitely clear my mind off of Ethan. I was proud of myself. I loved Ethan, but I couldn't risk him losing his scholarship. No... I would regret it. Before he even saved me that night, he had his whole future planned. Of course, that night we made love in his car, I didn't want to let him go. I told myself I couldn't let Heather take away what I loved, but when I thought about it, if I selfishly went back to Ethan, I would be a hypocrite. I would be taking Ethan from what he loved and worked so hard for. I just couldn't believe Heather would threaten him with me. She was Ms. Perfect-Darling-Princess. She could have anything she wanted. Why couldn't she just let Ethan be? But I guess, I wasn't listening to myself... she could have anything she wanted and that was Ethan. Letting him go was the best I could do for him. 

Theo was over at my house. April had gone out for the night because she said she didn't want to third wheel, again. I went to go make some popcorn in the microwave while Theo was putting the movie into my laptop. When I was done making the popcorn, we sat against the couch with the laptop on top of the coffee table. I set the popcorn in between us and Theo played the movie. I was into the movie, but I felt Theo's glances my way. I would turn towards him, but he'd look away. Finally...

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Nothing," he said with a smirk. 

I didn't believe him. 

"Tell me."

"Well, I was just thinking how its adorably cute that you don't watch T.V." 

Somehow, him calling me cute didn't give me butterflies like Ethan did. 

"Um... thanks?" I said. 

"I just wonder who was the asshole that let you go."

I looked away and started eating popcorn. 

"Whoever he is, he's gone now," I said. 

"That makes me happy..." he smirked.

I went back to watching the movie with a weird feeling. We were done with the movie and got hungry, so we headed to a nearby restaurant. We headed out when we were done. 

"Lucille?" A woman's voice called. 

I turned around to come face to face with Mrs. Collins. I turned back to Theo. 

"I'll meet you at the car, okay?"

He nodded and walked to the car. 

"I knew it. Lucille, how are you?" Mrs. Collins walked towards me. 

I gave a small smile. 

"Hi, Mrs. Collins. I'm good. How are you?"

"Doing wonderful like always," she smiled happily. 

"That's great to hear," I replied. She looked past me. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to.."

I shook my head.

"Its okay... we just came for dinner"

"Oh I see...Boyfriend?" she asked. 

I softly laughed. 

"Oh no. Just friends."

She let out a breathe and nodded. It was like she was relieved. I was surprised. 

She awkwardly smiled and looked to the side. She then took a deep breathe and spoke again. 

"I heard you couldn't be Ethan's tutor anymore"

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