Chapter 18

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I was sitting in counselor Railey's office. He had many pictures of his family spread out around his office. By the looks of it, he was a father of 3 and grandfather of 9 grandchildren. Mr. Railey was towards his filing cabinet. He was grabbing Ethan's documents. 

"Here we go," he said, taking out a folder filled with papers. He turned back around to face me. 

"Like I stated, this is a personal, one-on-one tutoring. You would need to go to Mr. Ethan's house, or he go to your house, whichever. His parents believe that it would be best if you go to his home. They want to be involved in his progress. Of course, they will not be there to watch you tutor him. However, they want to meet you and see how well you can help be a part of his success. You also do know he is an amazing attribute to our school, correct? He is about to lead us into state championships for baseball league. He is representing our name well, Ms. Lucille." I nodded my head. Not even the school faculty can deny Mr. Ethan, with his charm. I knew I couldn't even. 

"Here are all the information you need. The lessons he needs the most help with, and what the class will learn later." He was handing me the folder. "There is also the tutoring schedule inside the folder. Do you have any questions?" I shook my head. "Great! I wish you the best of luck. You are an amazing student yourself. I have no doubt you will do a great job, Ms. Lucille." He finished with a smile. I smiled back, got up, and left. While walking out his office, I took a glance at the tutoring schedule. My eyes opened wide. 

Shit, that's today. I thought to myself when I saw the first date on the schedule. Oh, someone's going to be surprised...or happy?

I went back home after the meeting. Ethan's practice did not end until five or six, therefore, the schedule was fixed around his practice schedule. The school was paying me, so I adjusted my schedule with the cafe. I decided to just be a part-time student worker. I talked with my manager and they understood. That is why I loved my manager and workplace. The people made it amazing. 

I finished most of my homework, and then it hit 5:30. I headed out to Ethan's. Here we go, Lucille. 

When I got to the front of his home, I couldn't believe what I saw. It's beautiful. I stared in amazement. The house definitely lived up to the his family's name. When I got to his doorstep, I rang the doorbell. A lady opened the door whom I assumed was Ethan's mother. She wore a gorgeous cream dress with house sandals. She gave a wide, warm smile. 

"Hello," she spoke. I looked at her nervously...I'm meeting the mother of the guy I was in love with in a circumstance I wished was a lot different. Breathe, Lucille. Breathe. 

"Hi...I'm Ethan's tutor, Lucille," I  said. Good start, Lucille.

"Oh hello, hello. I'm Ethan's mother, Ms. Collins." She walked towards me and gave me a hug that caught me by surprise. "Come in, come in." I walked inside the house. The inside of the house was even more amazing. It was so decorative. I was in awe, again. 

"Thank you so much for helping to tutor Ethan." I brought my attention back to her. "We heard you were the best. We don't know what would have happened if you didn't exist. He's going through a rough patch with baseball and school at the same. I'm really thankful you are willing to help." She gave another warm smile. I couldn't not smile back. 

"Of course. It's no problem," I replied. I stared back at her. She was beautiful. I knew where he got his amazing looks from now. 

"Ethan's still at baseball practice. He will be back in a short while. Is there anything I can get for you? Snacks or drinks?" I just shook my head. 

"I'm okay. Thank you." 

"Of course. Of course. Anything for the young lady helping my son," she said, with a warm smile still expressed. "If you want, you can go wait in his room to set up or do whatever you need to, to feel comfortable." I've never seen his room. He, obviously, has seen mine a million times. Somehow, there was a weird feeling of excitement that I couldn't express. 

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