Chapter 22

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Lucille's POV

I sat listening to Theo talk. We were eating lunch together in the cafeteria again.

"So what music do you like?"

"umm...everything," I said. 



"So if I put on some old 90's hip hop you would be okay with that?"

I nodded.

" don't look like you listen to that type of genre," he said, skeptically.

"Well, I do, okay?" I smiled. He smiled back. My eyes moved over and saw Ethan. He was looking at me from across the cafeteria. He looked...hurt. He wasn't smiling. My smile faded. I looked down and moved my eyes back to Theo.

"So... you also tutor, right?" Theo said.

"Yeah..." I nodded, unsurely.

"Great! You can help me in Calculus. I'm am so far behind. Transfer student problems. Thank God they gave me you, however." He smirked.

"Actually I---" I was about to break it to him that I couldn't be his tutor because I was Ethan's, but then he pulled out his homework.

"I'm so behind," he said, disappointed. "I've never missed so much problems in my life until now."

I looked at his homework. He didn't get any problems correct. What was I suppose to do? It wasn't his fault he had to transfer. I understand that feeling all too well. Damn Mr. Railey for making me do this!

"Is tonight okay?" he asked.

"Tonight?" I had to tutor Ethan tonight.

"C'mon, I want to at least graduate from this school."

I pitied him.

"Um.. sure. Tonight works."

"Great! I'll meet you at the library at 7?"


"Sounds like a plan!" he said with a smile. I gave a small smile back.

The bell rang.

I looked over to Ethan. I saw him get up and intertwine hands with Heather. My breath stopped. He took a small glance at me and walked away with her.

"C'mon," Theo said. I looked back to Theo and nodded.

After School

It was 5:30. I was on my 15 minute work break. I was blankly staring at Ethan's name in my phone. I didn't know how to text him that I wouldn't be able to tutor him tonight. I started off writing "Hey" and then I erased it. I sighed. I checked the time. 5:45. My break was over. I'll just text him later.

I headed over to the public library as soon as I was done with work which was around 6:30. I entered the building. Theo sat at a one of the tables. I walked over.

"Hey," I said. 

He looked up.

"Hi!" he grinned. I awkwardly stood.

"What are you doing? Sit!" he said, cheerily.

"Right." I sat down on the other side of the table.

"So... are you ready to help me?" he asked, happily.

"I'll try," I replied back with a small laugh. I took out my notes and paper and we began.

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