Chapter 26

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Friday night

"Should I wear this?" April asked, holding a blue dress.

"Sure, I think its cute!" I replied.

"Luce! Why am I the only one choosing clothes? What are you going to wear?"

"This..." I was in a t-shirt and jeans.

She gave a "You're kidding, right?" face.

"What?" I grinned.

"No, no, no! Luce! Don't you have anything "sexy" but "classy" in your closet?" She began search through it. 

I shook my head. 

"April, I don't do hanging out. I don't even do talking to friends."

"Well you better with me here!" She sighed.

"Seriously?" she said, frustrated. 

"I'll have to lend you my clothes, but we're definitely going shopping next week since you have work this weekend," she said the last part in a whiny voice. 

I laughed. 

"A T-shirt and jeans aren't actually that bad. They're simple, classy, and comfortable," I justified. 

She shook her head. 

"Please, no!" she threw her hands up. She searched her suitcase. "I must have something....Ah!" She pointed her finger up. "If we can't go classy, we'll just have to go trashy."

"April..." I said, worried. "What are you thinking?"

She walked back to my closet and pulled out a pair of cut-off shorts. 

"No..." I whispered. "Its cold, April. I don't want to--"

"Shh, you do and you will! Throw it on. You'll also wear this." She handed me a lace crop top. "Hurry! Leo is probably on his way."

I laughed.

"It's Theo."


"Why are we even dressing up? I'm pretty sure we'll just go to the movies or something," I said.

"You always want to dress up. You never know when a cute guy will come along," she winked. "But, in your case, he's the driver have to dress up. I may be there physically, but not emotionally," she smiled evilly. 

I shook my head and went to go change. 

"Oh my God! You are so f.u.c.kin gorgeous!" April screamed when I came out. 

I looked at the outfit and blushed. This was so not like me. I never wore anything this revealing before.

"April, I don't think---"

"Oh my God, Luce. Flaunt what your momma gave you!" she walked closer to me. "Tonight, just forget about that jerk's face, okay? Can you do that for me?" I nodded...but I didn't know if I could. 

"C'mon! Let me curl your hair and do your makeup!" April pulled me into a chair and took out her makeup bag. 

Ethan's POV

I was walking downstairs to get ready to go to a party tonight. It's time to drink this stress away.. especially without Lucille.

"Ethan, are you okay?" my mom stopped me. 

"Yeah, mom. Why wouldn't I be?" 

"Because of Lucille," she said, sadly. 

I looked at her in surprise. 

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