Chapter 17

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It was about six in the evening on a Wednesday. I was cleaning up a table at the cafe. I went to help in the back after I was done. 

"Lucille," my manager called. I turned around. "Table 7," she said. 

I nodded and looked over to the table. I smiled and walked over. 

"Good Evening. What can I get for you, sir?" 

"A burger with cajun fries, and maybe you in bed tonight?" he smirked as he looked up. 

I blushed shaking my head, as I whispered, "You're really crazy, you know that?" 

"Only for you," Ethan replied. I giggled. I wrote his order down as he handed me the menu. His hand touched my thigh while doing so. His smirk, of course, did not fade. 

I walked back to the cafe kitchen. When his order was done, I brought it out. 

As I was setting it down, he whispered, "I have a question, can you come closer?"

I was confused, but I moved closer anyways. He quickly pecked the edge of my lips while holding my hip. I quickly pushed him away and looked around to see if anyone noticed it. He just chuckled. How could he just chuckle? What if someone saw that? What if one of Heather's posse saw that? I gave him a death glare and walked back to the kitchen area. 

I was blushing blood red by the time I got to the back. I can't believe he just did that in public. I fanned myself so hard, I think I almost broke an arm. I needed to calm down. This was too much. Way too much. But I couldn't. There were so many thoughts clouding my mind. They were just all the same questions of what if's. What if someone saw? What if they told Heather? Will tomorrow be the end of my life? What was he thinking? He must be on something. That was it. That must be it. I quickly composed myself and went back to work. 

Every time I went back out to refill waters or ask if everything was okay for the customers, I could feel Ethan's eyes on me. I avoided him. I didn't even go refill his drink because I was mad at him. After what he did, I could not do anything that would be near him. I couldn't take a second risk despite that the kiss was not me. 

My shift ended at 6:30pm. I looked out to the main room and saw that he was not there anymore. I quickly took off my apron, washed my hands, clocked out, and went through the back door. I was not going to waste any time getting back home. The sun starts to set down by 6:30pm. 

As soon as I stepped outside the door, I heard a shout that startled me.  Ethan. I slapped him hard on the chest, but he was laughing hard. Remembering that I was still mad at him for earlier, I glared at him and walked away. He must of noticed after his hysterical laughing. He quickly walked after me. 


I ignored him.

"Lucille!" I kept walking. 

"Your mom's going to be home tonight, right?" Oh no. How dare he? He is not using my mother against me, but he is. I stopped and turned around. His smirk was on. His stupid smirk. He was walking towards me. I kept my angry face on. I could not let him get away doing whatever he wanted. 

He stopped right in front of me. We had a staring competition for awhile before he smirked. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. My pelvic was against his pelvic. I wasn't going to lose. I kept my game face on. His smirk got wider. He moved his lips to my ear.

"You know you can't win, right?" he whispered. He bit my ear then grazed his lips down my jawline to my neck. His hands reached under my shirt. His warm hands burned against my skin. I tried so hard to stay mad, but his touch was electrifying. His lips slowly moved up my neck before he stopped at my lips. He was brushing his lips against mine, nothing else. I closed my eyes, trying not to let his touch get to me. I gave up. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I needed his mouth in mine. I grabbed the sides of his jaw, and let his tongue roam in mine. I heard him chuckling, "Told you", but I didn't care anymore. 

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