Chapter 20

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Ethan's POV

She looked so enchanting just standing in front of her locker with blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I wanted to tell her that, but I was standing with Heather in front of her locker. I was happy Heather's locker gave me a good view of Lucille. Heather was telling me something, but I couldn't quite hear.

"Ethan!" she yelled.


She looked annoyed.

"I was saying for the banquet tomorrow. What color should I wear to match you? Maroon or Teal?"

Teal made me think of aqua.

"Teal," I replied with a fake smile.

"Okay," she smiled hugely and pecked my cheek. 

The bell rang. 

I looked over to Lucille and she was gone.

I got to first period. Lucille was already sitting in class. I took a small glance at her and she noticed. I could see her cheeks blush which made me smirk. I quickly looked away and did the "bro-shake" with the guys.

Class was boring as usual. The only thing that kept me awake was the small turns I took to look at Lucille. She didn't seem to notice. She was listening intently to the lecture. The bell finally rang...

"Let's go, E," Heather said, standing over my desk.

"I have to talk to Lucille about canceling the tutor session tonight. Give me a second." 

That was an obvious lie. It was a Friday. We didn't have any sessions on Friday.


Heather was jealous, but I didn't care about that right now. I packed my items and walked over to Lucille. She looked surprised when she saw me. She took a look past my arms while still sitting.

She gave me a look of "Are you crazy?". I, on the other hand, just thought she was adorable.

"Don't forget about tonight," I teased. 

She looked confused. I gave a small smile and walked away. Heather grabbed my hand into a tight grip as soon as I reached her. 

Throughout the whole day, I was aware of Lucille's presence wherever I saw her. I took the secret path to see Lucille during lunch. She was casually walking when I saw her back. I slowly creeped up to her and pulled her backpack. She looked shocked until she saw my face. I knew she couldn't hide her smile, but she quickly closed her mouth and continued to walk when she saw me grinning.

"Wait!" I called out. She stopped and turned around. "Don't go...You win."

Her lips slowly formed into a smile and she ran to me. I picked her up as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Stop trying to run away from me," I said. 

She smiled. I leaned into her to connect our lips together. I slowly let her down my hold.

"What was 1st period about?" she asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"The other night wasn't enough?" she slightly laughed as she looked at me skeptically.

"It's never enough." I smiled which made her smile. We just held each other for awhile until Lucille unwrapped her hands from my neck.

"Go back."

I was confused. Her face had a look of pain.

"I don't want to," I said.

"Hurry before someone sees us."

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