Chapter 39

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Today was the day. I never imagined I'd be going to my own prom, but it's really happening. I put a little bit of makeup on and finish curling my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I look... different. I actually kind of liked it. This was something new for me. Ethan said he'd pick me up at 6pm and we'd head over to the venue. The door bell rang. I take a deep breathe and look at myself one last time. I head downstairs. Ethan stood in front of the door. I pull a huge grin on my face. I still don't understand how I got to be with this handsome man these past few months, but just this much was enough. I walk down the stairs to Ethan. My mom stares at me disapprovingly. For a second, I forgot my words to her the other day, but they come right back with my mother's glare. My grin fades, but I quickly turn back to Ethan. He grabs my hand and kisses my cheek.

"You look beautiful, as always" he whispers into my ear. My eyes gleam at his handsome face and I smile back.

He takes out the corsage out of its box and ties it on my hand. I grab the boutonniere and pin it onto his shirt. We stare at each other like we haven't seen each other for years before I realize my mom was still with us. I turn to her.

"I'll be back by 12am," I say, calmly.

"You promised," she says, nonchalantly.

I give a regretful look, nod and we leave.

In the car, I intertwine my hands with Ethan's. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Let's make it a night to remember, huh?" he says.

"Lets," I respond.

We get to the venue and enter the building. There was loud music blaring from the stereos and everyone was on the dance floor already. We go to a table to sit.

"Want something to drink?" Ethan asks.

I nod.

"Okay, stay here. I'll be right back".

I nod and he leaves to go to the snacks and drinks table.

I look around the venue. Everyone seemed so happy with all the beautiful decorations. It was really a magical night like the movies always portray.

From a distance, I saw Heather staring at me. I guess, unlike the movies, it can't always be too perfect. Heather walked over. I quickly turned in a different direction to avoid her.

"Where's Ethan?" Heather said when she reached me.

I ignore her, but she pulls my chair to face her.

"You never listen, do you? I control this school, not you. You should've stayed in your little bubble and never got involved with Ethan. This night is all ruined because of you, you freak!" she snickered. Her hold began to harden and it hurt. I pull away. She gives me one last evil glare and walks away. I let go of the breathe I didn't know I was holding. I looked over to the snacks and drinks table to find Ethan, but he was busy talking to one of his friends. I felt a little stuffy from what just happened, so I left the venue to get some fresh air. Heather always knew how to ruin a person's night.

I got outside and inhaled the night air.

"Lucille!" I heard a shout.

I turn around and see a dark outline walking towards me. I squint my eyes as the figure moves closer to me. It was Theo.

"Lucille, are you okay?" he says, worried.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, defensive.

"I saw you leave and was worried about you," he says.

"Thanks, but I'm okay," I say, rudely. I try to walk past him, but he grabs my arm.

He leaned in closer to me. I pushed him away.

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