Chapter 7

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I walked to school as usual. I did what Ethan wanted when I got to school. We pretended that we didn't exist to each other. That we didn't do anything on Saturday. He sent me his part of the project yesterday so I didn't need to talk to him about it anymore. At least I knew he got my text. 

During lunch, I got food. I spent all last night to finish up the project so I was unable to eat dinner. 

I got myself a sandwich, bag of Doritos, and a lemonade. As I was walking to go outside to the place I usually ate, Heather came up to me. She caught me by surprise which made me stop in my steps. 

Katie had a drink in her hand as she walked up behind Heather. The next thing I knew I was covered in rasberry lemondade. All the girls laughed at me. The whole cafeteria was staring at me. I wiped the liquid substance from my face. 

They continued to laugh at me as they walked past me, but just before leaving, Heather whispered, "Think about that next time you want to look at my Ethan" Really? My? Possessive much? Was this some high school musical drama that I was unaware of? If only she knew what we were really doing... I started to feel tears forming in my eyes. I said I wouldn't let them get to me, but this was too much for me. 

I looked up at Ethan's table. He looked at me and then quickly went back to talking with his friends. I quickly walked outside and threw my lunch away. I lost my appetite. I ran to the bathroom. I slowly began to get covered in tears. My shirt was all wet and sticky now. I felt like a mess. Unable to contain it any longer,  I let it all out. I cried in the bathroom until the lunch bell rang. This was all his fault. Him and his stupid handsome face's fault. Why did he have to save me and make me owe him something? 

I decided to ditch school. I never ditched school. I was a good girl. Never done anything bad. No drugs, no cheating, no ditching, but I couldn't go to the rest of my classes anymore. I couldn't face that jerk's face or any of those girls. 

When I got home, I went to my bedroom and cried. I cried all the tears I held in until I got too tired and fell asleep. 


I decided not to go to school today. I mean, my mom wasn't home so it didnt matter anways..or not?

I heard the front door open. I heard someone walking up stairs. It couldn't be my mom. She wasn't suppose to come home until 6 in the evening tonight. Could it be a robber? Oh my gosh. Not another one. All of a sudden my door opened. Then, my mom popped through my door. I let out a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding. 

"Mom," I said, getting up to hug her. "Why are you home already?"

"I finished my work early. Is everything alright, honey? I got a phone call saying you skipped the rest of your classes yesterday," she said with disappointed look.

"Um, I-" How was I suppose to tell her? She was already stressed out enough, I didnt want to worry her with teenage problems about how her daughter was bullied while she was away on some business trip?

"Now, I know my baby girl would never ditch school, ever!" Breaking away from the hug, she gave me a smile that said, it's okay you can tell me. Thats why I loved my mother. "What happened? What made you do it?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. My tears spilled. 

"Oh honey," she said, embracing me. "Shhh, its okay. You can tell me"

"Are you mad?" 

"Mad? No. Disappointed? Yes. You're better than that. What happened?" she said looking at me. I took a deep breath and explained to her what happened during lunch.

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