False Night

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Q&A still comin! Just gathering all the questions!


***WARNING: This chapter can be considered slightly scary if you scare easy. Also there may be some triggers so read with caution***

Sorry guys I have to do that.
Also; in the first few chapters of this story. I said Brooke and the reader where 16. No guys I meant 15 and I don't know if I've done this in other chapters but the reader is 15 currently. So sorry loves
Things have gotten weird around your house. It's been two days since that whole incident. With the power and everything.

And now you smell burnt popcorn sometimes at night. And you ask
Your sister all the time if she's making popcorn and she always responds with a no.

Your sister has been sorta freaked out here lately too. But she won't admit it to you.

You know because here you where
At the stairs hidden in the dark listening to her talk to Dirk downstairs.

Don't worry you've already said hello to Dirk
And you're not asleep so he won't be busting in guns a blazin'.

"I mean, (Name) constantly asks me if I'm burning popcorn.. And I've been hearing scratching on the walls of my bedroom and the other night, she ran into my room asking if she could sleep in my room because she heard someone scream her name. She said it was
Like a distorted voice..." You heard your sister say.

You sighed. Maybe if you left the hall light on and maybe if you left your door open everything would be okay.

You went into your room and left the door open. You set your phone on your desk and walked all the way across your room to your bed and crawled in.

It was late anyways like 11. And you already took your meds.

Oh yeah your sister was really worried about all of that sleeping so now you have to take a pill an hour before going to sleep so you will only sleep for 8 hours.

It's recommended for people who are 15 you sleep 8 hours.

You knew they had a pill for people who can't sleep but you didn't know there was one for people who can.

Alright name everything is gonna be fine. It's just nothing. Just sleep for a bit.

Hey throwback time

==> (Name), go to sleep.

You heard someone call your name and threw the blanket over your head.

Dang it was bright.
Wait where's Dirk not this again.

"God.. What.." You rubbed your eyes and looked to see Dave, he had a very firm grasp on your shoulders <<FIRMLY. GRASP IT. sorry.. >> and a very worried look on his face. He didn't even have his shades on. Woah.
And your sister and Dirk where right behind him all surrounding you.

"Oh my god you're awake!" He said and tightly hugged you.

"Yeah. Why the hell did you wake me." you said in a groggy voice.

"(Name), cmon we need to take you to the Emergency room!" Your sister grabbed your wrist and began
Tugging you when you pulled away. "Guys what is going on..."

"(Name), you just texted me and told me you took a handful of pills.."

Dave said.. He looked like he was about to cry. Or just worried anyway. "Why do you want to kill yourself..?" He got really close and hugged you again.

"Dave, I don't want to kill myself..?" You pulled away and looked at the three.

"Guys, I'm not planning on suicide anytime soon.. Will someone please explain to me what's going on..?"

Dave and your sister sat next to you on the bed while Dirk held his grey hat in his hand and
Ran his other hand through his hair.

"(Name).. You texted me like 15 minutes ago and said you wanted to kill your self.. And you told me you took a bunch of pills.." Dave pulled out his phone and showed you the texts. Yep that was your number.

Aw he has you in his phone as

It looked like this:

Dave: *sent at 11:12 PM* okay, goodnight!
You: *sent at 3:01 AM*
Dave I'm sorry.
Y: I can't do this anymore.
Y: This life is so sick.
Y: and you are too.
D: ... (name) ...?
Y: I can't be with you anymore..
D: wait.. (Name).. Let's talk about this.. What's going on..?
Y: I can't be with anyone any more..
D: (name).. What are you talking about?
Y: I'm going to kill myself Dave.
Y: I'm going to take my life.. Right now.
D: woah wait (Name) hold on a minute.
Y: I have a handful of pills right now.
D: Wa IT. Give me a minute I'm going over there.
Y: goodbye.
(Last message sent at: 3:15)
You felt a shiver run down your spine.

"See..?" He said. "See you sent it. You freaked me out. And you sent your messages slow like so.. I don't know it's 3 AM.. I freaked out and ran over here and asked your sister and Dirk where you where... And when they said they hadn't seen you since about 11 I freaked out even more.."

You looked at Dave with a horrified expression.

"Dave... I didn't send those to you.. I've been sleeping I promise.... Wait are we not gonna talk about how Dirk has been here and it's 3 AM.."

"We where working on a thing for work."
Any other time you wouldn't have believed that but their clothes where still on and usually when your sister says its work related she's not lying. The poor girl.

"(Name).." Dirk spoke up. He picked up your medicine from your night stand. "Did you overdose on these..?" He said seriously.

"No.." You looked at the three. "No you guys I promise I didn't. I took one.. At like 10.. And then I went to bed at 11 I promise
You. Look in the bottle there should be like 4 missing I got them only 4 days ago."

He looked in the bottle probably not to count.. But to see there was a pretty large amount of pills in there.

"And I didn't send those texts that doesn't even sound like me."

You got up and looked on your dresser. And your phone wasnt there.

"Did one of you guys take my phone..?" You turned around and asked.

But you looked on the floor and right there in the middle was your phone.

You picked it up. "Look ill show you WHAT THE HELL." You looked at
Your phone screen and it had large cracks running down from the top to bottom. In all different assertions and such.

And it wouldn't turn on.

"GUYS. GIYS WHAT. WHY WHY WHO WOULD DO THIS.." You fell onto your knees.

You even tried plugging it in and it wouldn't work.

"I'm getting freaked out." You said in a soft tone.

"So you promise me you didn't attempt suicide and
You're not going to..?" Dave chirped up.

"No Dave I promise you i didn't and I won't."

"Okay. Okay good."

"Good to know you'll rush the hell over here at 3 in the morning." Your
Sister playfully punched him in the arm.

Shit was getting weird..

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