Hell's Gate

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Hey guys! Thanks again for 50K that's so awesome! But I've said it once and I guess I have to mention it again.

I'm not going to do a lemon you guys. I'm sorry :/ I've got too many people from school reading this and if word gets out "Lindsay did something weird" it won't help my already awful reputation and then who knows, I'll get made fun of or something like that and I'll end up not finishing this or just dropping it.

I know that's dramatic sorry.

Then again, lemons are specific and I'm an awful writer so it will be bad.

I'm sorry my loves but you know I'll do anything else for you guys.

"This is scary.." You shivered a little, following him.

"Nah this is chill." He smiled, very nonchalant. His arms where behind his head as he walked with confidence.

You, on the other hand, where all bunched up and very unrelaxed in your steps. Also freezing. It's probably all the dead hearts.

You had to hold yourself up to not look stupid.

"Here we are!" He dropped his arms.

"I didn't know we had a destination... " You held your hands in your pockets.

"We do." He smiled and held his arm around you. He didn't want to admit he was cold.

He stepped over a small hill. "Here we go." He looked down. You did too. It was a grave. A tombstone.

You stiffened.

"Dave.. What the heck..."

"This is an old friend of mine..."

You listened as Dave explained his story of his friend. It was scary because you kept hearing things and kept seeing demonic symbols and you where scared. Out of your. Mind.

But finally he brought you home.

It was a scary time. You said you had a good time to make him happy. Thankfully, your sister didn't awake.

You lied in your bed very late. Or early. It was four in the morning.

You also had a Dave laying on your stomach, fast asleep. As if what you just experienced wasn't utterly terrifying. He walked you to your room for comfort, because he knew you where scared. Except he was too tired so he fell asleep on top of your stomach.

Comfortable as ever.

You sighed but giggled a little. It was rather ticklish.

You closed your eyes and found yourself absently playing with his hair until you fell asleep.

You are running.

You are running quickly.

Until a dark, shadowy silhouette grabs ahold of you. It grabs your arm and yanks you back.

Suddenly you're seated on a bus.

You're in your seat, staring at the front of the bus.

Every thing is calm.

You turn to see a mom sitting in the seat next to you. She is holding her baby, staring down at him.

Then she looks up to you.

Her face is bloody. It has cuts everywhere.

Her eyes are bleeding.

She is still smiling.

The baby starts crying.

You startled yourself awake. You where staring at the ceiling.

You look to your stomach and find Dave is gone.


Was a weird.



You looked at your clock.  It was noon. Dear God.

You sat up and found it was actually really bright. You moaned and fell back to your pillow.

Worst sleep of your life.


Sorry it's short! Ah... This was supposed to be a weird screwed up chapter.. So here you go!


Dave Strider X Reader (A Game of Pretend)Where stories live. Discover now