A Day

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It was Monday. You sat in your second period class, English. You where feeling better, but also the occasional dizzy feeling. Also a headache if you did something too active.

This period was almost over and then you could go home. It was a half day today. Lindsay is still in the hospital. They're supposed to be letting her out today. You're hoping by the time you get home she will be there. Dirk highly insisted on staying with her, even if she didn't agree. She really didn't. You didn't understand why. An attractive person wants to sit by your side and care for you until you're better after being bashed in the head a few times? Yes please.

That's close to what you had. You where only hit in the head once really, and you had his little brother. So good enough.

Your teacher began passing out some type of paper. When she got to you, you looked at it. "Alright, you have three days until this is due."
She said, and then the bell rang. "Have a good day!"

You picked up your binder and slid it into your bag, closing it and leaving your seat. You weren't even out of the door, and you already where greeted with a Dave standing at the doorway. You smiled. "Hello." You said as he grabbed your hand and headed for the outside. "Dirk told me they're at your apartment now."
"They?" You asked, looking at this paper that was passed out to you.

"Yeah he took her home. She had no choice."
You laughed a little. You kept reading the paper.

"Whatcha reading..?" Dave asked, peeking over your shoulder. "An instruction paper my teacher gave us. I think I have to write an essay on..." You kept reading. "Fuck, I got Mark Twain."
You sighed.
You both stepped off of your bus, that stopped a block down from your apartment complex. It was a rather nice complex aside from the creepy parking garage and upper floor. Also the fact a man attacked you and Lindsay. Other than that it's nice.

You and Dave walked down the block to get to the building. You stepped into the lobby and went up the elevator to your floor. Basic routine.

You stepped on your nice floor, walking to the end of the hallway to get to your apartment. You opened the door to find your sister lying on the couch while Dirk sat on the floor right beside her.

"I'm home" you smiled. "I brought a mop with me." You pointed at Dave. "I am no such thing. I am a broom."

You didn't understand why that was relevant but it was.
"It's nice to finally be here after a few days." You sighed and dropped your bag beside the door. You had to stay with these Strider boys for the night. You didn't mind because honestly you didn't want to come near this place alone at night. Since well.. You know.

You sat down on the couch and Dave sat beside you. "So I thought you where dead-set on calling Kane instead?"
You smirked at your sister.

"I was." She looked over at Dirk. "-but the jolly green giant over here took my phone when I attempted to call him." She looked back to you. You smiled. "Good. He's less fun."

Dirk smiled at you. You lifted your fist "Team Dirk!" You joked. You and Dave laughed.
Your sister kind of smiled and shook her head.

It took awhile but she eventually convinced Dirk to leave. She really wasn't up to doing anything. You sighed. You stood beside her bed. He practically forced her in here. Which she hardly opposed to.

You sat beside her, on the edge of the bed. "Whatcha thinking about?" You asked her, as she stared up at the ceiling.

"That I have a lot of work to do." She sighed and began lifting her hand to go for the stitching on her head, but she stopped herself.

You lowkey smiled.

Screams sorry this is short. This is just sort of the aftermath of what happened. Leaving the hospital and such and askdkfidk.

So yeah just a real quick chapter!

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