70 000+ people who will enter Jannah without Reckoning

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The 4 conditions for us to be among the 70,000+ entering the Jannah are:

Those who don't treat themselves with RUQYA.
Those who don't believe nor follow bad omen.
Those who don't brand with fire.
Those who put their trust completely on ALLAH [Subhana' Wa' Thala].
Treating with Ruqya:

Ruqya means Spiritual Healing. Using specific Qura'anic Verses to cure or heal the disease of oneself or requesting others to perform Ruqya for oneself. Islam doesn't prohibit Ruqya, it is permissible. But the people among the 70,000+ entering the Jannah [Paradise] without any accountability or waiting for their name to be called on the Day Of Qiyam [Day of Judgment] will not treat themselves with Ruqya, as mentioned by our beloved Prophet Muhammad [Sallalahu'Alayhi'Wassalam].

Believing or following Bad Omen:

The people of 70,000+ entering the Jannah will not believe in bad omens i.e.., they won't consider any day or any place or any person as a bad sign. They won't trust the lucky numbers or lucky days. They would consider every creation of ALLAH [Subhana' Wa' Thala] as best and good.

Band with Fire:

Banding with fire is a medical technique called as Cauterization. Where fire is used to treat an extra tissue or organ. Cauterization or Banding with fire is permissible in Islam. But ALLAH's Messenger Prophet Muhammad [Sallalahu' Alayhi' Wassalam] disliked it due to pain. The people of 70,000+ entering the Jannah will not band them with fire.

Trusting ALLAH [Subhana' Wa' Thala] whole heartedly:

Finally the people among the 70,000+ entering the Jannah according to the Hadith [Sahih Bukhari Vol.008, Book.076, Hadith# 549], will whole heartedly trust ALLAH the Almighty at every cause.

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