I guess this is the end - No, this is just the beginning!

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The Angel of death won't tell us when he is coming and he won't wait a few minutes. He won't come back tomorrow or let you live longer. He is not bothered if your the richest or the poorest, the strongest or the weakest, the scholar or the minor, a prophet or a messenger. He will come and take your soul away with the permission of Allah subhanahu wata'ala. If you're a disbeliever, he will come in the worst form. He will come black in face, fire leaping out of his ears and he will snatch your soul away. Ripping your veins with 500 Angels hitting you with embers and you will feel intense pain and suffering. When he takes your soul he will say come out to the anger and punishment of Allah.

However if you're a believer the Angel of Death will come in the most beautiful of form, white in the face, a beautiful fragrance emitting out of him and he will take your soul easily and he will say 'Asalamu alaykum oh friend of Allah', come out to the forgiveness and the pleasure of Allah.

The question to you is what have you prepared for this?

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala make us of those who die the best of deaths and make us of those who enter Jannatul Firdaws Al A'la. Allahuma Ameen.

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