Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves:
◇ those who do good.
◇ who turn to him [Allah subhanahu wata'ala] constantly.
◇ those who keep themselves pure and clean.
◇ those who fear him.
◇ those who rely upon him.
◇ those who act justly.
◇ those who follow Muhammad SalaAllahu 'alayhi wasalam.The people of who Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves are in the Qur'an, A'ootho billah mina Shaytani Rajeem, "But do good; for Allah loveth those who do good" [Al-Baqarah 195]. Do good and Allah subhanahu wata'ala will love you. Allah loves those who do good.
Another ayah in the Qur'an stating whom Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves is "Allah loves those who turn to him constantly and loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." [Al-Baqarah 222]
Brothers and sisters, we are here on this earth to earn Allah subhanahu wata'ala's pleasure and to gain his pleasure we have to read on what he loves, do what he loves and be whom he loves. "Allah swt loves those who fear him." [Ali-Emran 76]. If you fear Allah sincerely and his punishment than Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves you. "
"Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves those who rely upon him. Where is the evidence? Well in Surah Al-i-Imram ayah 159 Allah subhanahu wata'ala says "Indeed, Allah loves those who reply [upon him]."
To complete with the last two points, Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves those who are just. In the Qur'an, Surah Al-Maidah, ayah 42, Allah subhanahu wata'ala says "Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly."
And finally Allah subhanahu wata'ala loves those who follow the prophet Muhammad SalaAllahu alayhi wasalam's sunnah then he loves you. In surah Al-i-Emran, ayah 31, Allah subhanahu wata'ala says "Say, [Oh Muhammad], 'If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive your sins, And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh.
A step closer to Jannah [Book I]
SpiritualB O O K I "And remind, for the reminder benefits the believer" You chose Jannah. Now you have to work for it. Grasp as much rewards as you can for this is a competition of Iman. Read and earn and raise your level in Jannah. (Rants, hadiths, ayahs...