A wifes letter to her husband | EMOTIONAL

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It was a Friday night and father and brother were gone out to the weekly Friday night gathering at the Masjid. The only man in the house was my brother Bilaal because of his studies at the Daarul Uloom. There was no end to my uneasiness and anxiety that night as I lay down to sleep with a disturbed mind. As I fell asleep, I dreamt that Qiyaamah had taken place and everyone was being raised from the ground. Everyone was taken to the Plain of Resurrection and they were all concerned with the accounts of their deeds that were due from them.

When I looked to my right, I saw many people entering splendid palaces without any reckoning. They entered beautiful gardens that were filled with the most colourful and exquisite flowers. There was every conceivable pleasure to be found there and a cool breeze blew for them. the men and women entering there were exuberant and carefree. I also hastened to follow them.

As I was about to enter the gate, the gatekeeper stopped me and asked for my entry permit. Surprised, I asked him what ticket he meant. He told me that if I had no permit, I would have to return to the queue of people awaiting their reckoning. Throwing my hands up in the air, I asked him how much the permit would cost. He said, "Respected lady! This permit cannot be bought with money." When I asked him how I could get one, he replied, "For Muslim men, their permit is the pleasure of their parents and for Muslim women it is the pleasure of their husbands. Without this permit, none can enter this Jannah."

Standing there ashamed of myself, some of my friends took pity on me and called me to enter with them. When I did not respond to their call, they came to fetch me. However, when they saw that I did not have the permit of my husband's pleasure, they turned away from me in disappointment. My friend Salma was always a straightforward person. When she saw me like this, she said, "Did we not tell you that the life of the world is very short and that you should keep your husband happy so that you would not have any regrets after death? You did not listen to your husband when he told you not to walk about without Hijaab and not to take videos at weddings. You took no heed when he told you that you should stop missing your salaahs and that you should stop preventing him from going out in Allaah's path without an excuse."

I bitterly regretted my deeds and wished that I also had the permit of my husband's pleasure so that could enjoy the bounties of Jannah with the others. My thoughts were interrupted by voices shouting, "Make way! Move out of the way!" I turned to see that a woman was arriving on a conveyance and that her entourage and escort were clearing the way ahead for her. As she arrived at the gate of Jannah, even the gatekeeper greeted her with great respect and honour. When she has dismounted and entered, I asked the gatekeeper who the lady was. He replied, "This lady loved her husband very much and was so obedient to him that he always made du'aa for her. She has attained this high status even though she lived with her husband for only eight years."

Upon hearing this reply of the gatekeeper, I began to reflect over my married life. I was at loggerheads with my husband for even the most insignificant matters. I had even left him to come to my parents home, thinking that I am not his slave and that if he does not care me, I will not care for him either. I always thought that I do not need him when my parents can ably look after me. Whereas other women preferred living under their husband's authority, I could not even bear the thought of it. My soul would emerge from my body if I ever heard talk of a woman being subservient to her husband. The times when women served men have passed by. However, although the snake has slithered away, the tracks are still present. I felt that men ought to open their eyes and ears to take a lesson from Europe and America.

These were all my misguided thoughts, which I seriously put to question when the gatekeeper told me about the woman who had received such great honour. I was suddenly overcome with envy for her and my emotions were beyond control. I wished that I had also dutifully served my husband as she did so that I could also share her honour. I could bear this no longer and gave a loud scream.

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