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السلام على من إتبع الهدٰ
Peace be upon those who believe

People who point out your wrongs feesabillilah and try to correct you and guide you have now been named. These people are known as the 'Haram police'. What angers me sooo much is that when a Muslim reminds a brother/sister about the wrong they are doing they are called the "Haram Police"! In the Qur'an it clearly states:

"[Such believers are] the repentant, the worshippers, the praisers [of Allah], the travelers [for His cause], those who bow and prostrate [in prayer], those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits [set by] Allah. And give good tidings to the believers." [Surah Al-Tawbah: ayah 112]

Al amri bil ma'roofi wanahiyi 'anil munkar (enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil] is a characteristic of a believer. So how when the Muslims are doing their job, they are being blamed for budding into peoples business. If the Sahaba were here they would obviously tell people what they are doing wrong and enjoin the good and forbid the evil. So how nowadays like in some videos on youtube mock these people and tell them to mind their own business. Brother, sister they are doing their job as a believing Muslim/ah. The people rejecting these people are merely people who don't want to accept that what they are doing is wrong merely are in denial. They simply can't handle the fact of being reminded of things they do wrong. That is the harsh truth and it needed to be said out!

Yes there are ways people should be talking to people and this and that but what concerns me is that people who are merely trying to advise you are being cussed at and treated disrespectfully.

I will give you an example; In one of the YouTube videos that I watched [which I will not expose] simply shows two men. They are both actors with a job. So the religious man with the thawb is simply telling a man on the street that the pants needs to be above the ankle (if I remember correctly)...(mind you, this is an actor who is pretending to be a 'haram police') so then another actor appears in the scene speaking to the 'haram police' telling him to not bud himself in and that it is his choice bla bla bla....what I am trying to say is a man like this, simply wanted to advise the man to listen to the Prophet Muhammad SalaAllahu 'alayhi wasalams teachings. The harsh truth about this is all we don't want our sins to be mentioned and repeated to us. We want to live in a blind world where we can only see what we choose to see! We want to modify Islam to suit our ways and style/culture. This is simply disgusting and outrageous.

If Muhammad SalaAllahu 'alayhi wasalam was here today with the Sahaba, what would you think he would think of this Ummah? What would you think they would say about our situation! By Allah they will cry blood and tears for an ummah so lost and confused, for an Ummah so modified and so called 'modern'. Ya Ummaty, rise up the sky, don't stoop down so low!


May Allah subhanahu wata'ala guide us all and grant us knowledge of deen and knowledge that will help us in this world and the next. Allahuma ameen!


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