Oh Parents BEWARE!

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته،
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

الحمدلله، الحمدلله، الحمدلله نحمده وستعينه و نستغفره، ونعوذ بلاه من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئاة أعملنا، اما بعد،
Allhamdullilah, Allahmdullilah, Allhamdullilahi nahmaduhū wanasta'eenuhū wanastaghfiruh, wana'ōtho bilahi min shurōri anfosina wa sayiâti a'maleena, ama ba'd:

هذه الرسالة إِلى امهاة والأبواة من المسلمين،
(This is a message is to the Muslim parents)

يا امهتنا و ابوٰتنا، هل تعرفون أن دعائكم مستجاب؟
Oh Parents, don't you know that your dua is accepted?

Oh parents your one of the people who, your duas are accepted. Don't abuse that...

How many parents make bad duas which result in the downfall of ones child?
How many parents when they simply get angry curse their children?
How many parents use and abuse their power of dua for their own good?
How many children were affected by duas of the parents?
How many lives have been ruined?

Oh Parents, if your children angers you speak only the good to them and don't hit them or make duas against them! Don't wish upon them bad.

There was this (true) story of a woman who was angry at her son so she made a dua saying "I hope your body rips to shreds one day" and that day soon came when a knock can be heard from her door. She opened it and found a man and she asked what he wanted and he said "Your son was part of a fatal accident. His body is torn to shreds. We can't do anything to save him!"

This proves that the dua of a Mother/Father is accepted. So watch out!

There is this other story of a woman who was sick. A mother basically. She wanted the help of her daughter but her daughter always let her down saying that she wanted to study to get high marks in her tests (in University). Her mother than made a dua saying "May Allah subhanahu wata'ala never let you succeed". The girl who continuously studied and would always get A+ sat her exams. The day arrived to get her marks yet to her dismay she found out that she failed her exams. The days past and her Mum was admitted to hospital and surely after that she passed away. The daughter kept repeating and repeating the test every year till she realised it was her mums dua that led her to this state. It was too late to redeem herself because her Mum passed away and she couldn't make a good dua for her daughter.

This is so dangerous. Parents watch out of every dua you make and just keep making good duas. Children, first and foremost to myself, don't disobey your parents...

I know of people who hate it and are going through are hard time simply because there parents make bad dua on them. If you are one like this simply read about what I have to say...

I was asked what should I do? My parenst make bad duas against me like "May Allah curse you" "May Allah subhanahu wata'ala never allow you to do so and so things"...etc. What I told them was Allahu A'lam but as soon as that parent makes dua, you make a dua asking for her bad dua not to be accepted in fact make a dua to guide the parent and forgive them. Simply just rebound her dua with another good dua. So you are basically trying to repel it Wallahu A'lam. Look I am no scholar, I am merely just an advisor or a reminder for those who believe and those who fear Allah (Muttaqun)! Do not go and make a bad dua against your parents because they are your parents after all and they say things which sometimes shouldny be heard amidst their anger. We all do say things we regret so in Sha Allah this helped you with this problem. JazākAllah Khayr for reading. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala bless you. Allahuma ameen.

- lioness

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