Labelings of society

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Modern society is shaping us. We are corrupting our souls, accepting the labelings of society and denying the facts of Islam. The western ideologies indoctrinated us into thinking that living 'freely' is the best way to live and religion shouldn't dominate our lives. They forgot that freedom isn't doing whatever we want but it is doing what is good. If we were really 'free', why can't we just walk around earth and claim it all ours. Don't tell me thats a different topic. Don't tell me religion is too hard. Don't tell me God is forgiving after you've committed all those sins. Yes! God is forgiving but simply if its only a statement on your tongue it could be of no use. Repentance is the way. Regretting the sin is repentance yet one just utters a statement on ones tongue which he/she doesn't work with. Doesn't put into action. What use is that?

We should repent to Allah subhanahu wata'ala before its too late. Not using a useless statement that is not even put into action. Yes God is forgiving but if you're not asking for forgiveness how do you accept Allah to forgive you? Don't just commit a sin expecting it to 'forgiven' once completion. You have to be regretful from the past and prepare to start a fresh new future.

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh!

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