Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh my amazing sisters and brothers in Islam, I hope you are all having an amazing day. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala keep your face always smiling. Allahuma Ameen.
So since my humour is the bømb 😂 I decided that this book wouldn't be just about reminding, reminding, reminding...but also having fun (supposedly). Laughing about things and also enjoying the moment (btw that is if you actually understand the lame jokes and pictures you are about to see). This is just a small payback to all the readers, commenters, voter etc. SHOUTOUT TO Y'ALL! JazākAllah Khayr for the love.
Don't worry, I still will update my (awesome 😂) reminders but you know we could all have a laugh sometimes. This book is meant to have a compilation of everything you need in yo life. Its my job to make you all laugh. Smile btw, ITS SUNNAH 😃 <--- I have always found this emoji somewhat creepy. LOL!
In Sha Allah all those sad teens will be happy teens now and we could break a laugh together. Ikwa and Akhawat (brothers and sisters), I hope something as small as this can make you laugh.
JazākAllah Khayr for the support my lovely readers,
May Allah subhanahu wata'ala reward you all with Jannatul Firdaws Al A'la without Hisab (Judgement) and 'Athab (punishment). Allahuma Ameen.Lioness
A step closer to Jannah [Book I]
SpiritualB O O K I "And remind, for the reminder benefits the believer" You chose Jannah. Now you have to work for it. Grasp as much rewards as you can for this is a competition of Iman. Read and earn and raise your level in Jannah. (Rants, hadiths, ayahs...