Sahih Bukhari [Free books]

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Did you know you could download the volumes of Sahih Bukhari into your iPhone, iPad or even computer? All volumes from 1-9?! Well you can. With just a few clicks you can just read any Sahih Bukhari with english and arabic. (I sound like some professional adverser or something lol)

Just type into the search bar:
Sahih bukhari volume 1 pdf
or whatever volume you want. Save your pdf and voila Sahih Bukhari at your fingertips. (I seriously should stop acting professional eh?)

If you're on an apple product, it will go to your iBooks. (Pic attached on how it will appear) For computer users it will be as a pdf. Not sure about the android (tell me about that one in the comments)

Thats it! JazākAllah Khayr
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh.

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