Maryam (alayha al salam)'s story

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Maryam bint Imran alayha al salam is one of the four great women of Islam. She is known for her patience, hayaa (modesty), her tawakul in Allah swt and also because of her son Isa alayhi al Salam and her uncle Zakariya alayhi al salam - both prophets of Islam. Maryam alayha al salam was a woman who spent her time in the mosque in Ibadah and in the remembrance of Allah swt. Her story is in the Qur'an and has many morals to learn from. It is not only beautiful but very inspirational.

Her story began when -as usual- she was in the mosque and she was spending her time in ibadah and thikr when -as usual- her uncle Zakariya alayhi al salam would come and check up on her. One day he reached to the masjid and when he checked inside, where Maryam alayha al salam sat he found food that does not grow in that season. Surprised he asks her where she got the fruit from, she replies "It [this] is from Allah swt" [3:37]. Many scholars also tell us that this verse also depicts the high wisdom Maryam alayha al salam had. In this ayah Maryam alayha al salam didn't only reply to Zakariya alayhi al salam's question but through what she told him, he understood that everything comes from Allah swt and that's when Zakariya alayhi al salam decides to make dua for a successor [child] albeit his old age. Maryam alayha al salam wasn't only a devoted believer but her level of wisdom was high and she possessed great amount of knowledge therefore she is known as the best women of her time. ". . .Lo! Allah hath chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above (all) the women of creation.)" [Aal Imran:42]. She is an example for those who believe and she is a women who perfected her faith. With all this, she is the only women in the Qur'an mentioned by her name. An example of this in the Qur'an is "(And when the angels said: O Mary! [Maryam]. . ."[Aal Imran:42].

Another part of her life which depicts her wisdom, purity, hayaa and her tawakul in Allah swt is when one day when she was in the masjid in ibadah, Allah swt sent Jibreel alayhi al salam in the form of a perfectly shaped man. (If Jibreel alayhi al salam was sent in his perfect form straight away, she would get shocked and terrified). "(And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man.)"

Albeit a presence of a very beautiful man Maryam alayha al salam said "(She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art Allah-fearing.)" [Maryam:18]. This ayah depicts many things. Firstly, that she is not interested at all secondly, that even though there is a beautifully shaped man in front of her, she sought refuge in Allah swt automatically seeking his protection. Many scholars say the word Al-Rahman 'The beneficent One' was used here because she specifically wanted to tell him that Allah swt is Al-Rahman and that he can forgive the sins the man committed in the past and that he should seek forgiveness from Allah swt. This ayah then again previews Maryam alayha al salam's wisdom and her high scale of knowledge. She did not only seek refuge in Allah swt but also gave a hidden dawah.

Jibreel alayhi al salam then replies saying "(He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son.)" [Maryam:19]. Maryam alayha al salam shocked replies "(She said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste?)" Jibreel alayhi al salam replies "(He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me. And (it will be) that We may make of him a revelation for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained.)" [Maryam:21]. Then Maryam alayha al salam (some say at the age of 16) gave birth to Isa alayhi al salam.

During labour Maryam alayha al salam was suffering in pain and she uttered "(And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died ere this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten!)" [Maryam:23] "(Then (one) cried unto her from below her, saying: Grieve not! Thy Lord hath placed a rivulet beneath thee,)" [Maryam:24] "(And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee.)" [Maryam:25]. Allah swt wanted to test Maryam alayha al salam's trust in him so he told Jibreel alayhi al salam to tell Maryam alayha al salam to shake the date-palm tree (whilst in labour pain). Endurance, strong belief and trust is needed to actually listen to someone when one is going through a hard state but Maryam alayha al salam -because of her high wisdom and big trust in Allah swt- she shook the tree and Allah swt made dates drop off it. If it was us in this situation -in pain- we would not even think about shaking the tree. Although this is a test from Allah swt, Maryam alayha al salam accomplished this.

After having Isa alayhi al salam, Maryam alayha al salam was terrified of what people would say or do to her, because in her time a slight suspicion of an unchaste women would result in immediate stoning and torture. When her people knew of Isa alayhi al salam they said "(Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him. They said: O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing.)" [Maryam:27] "(O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot(prostitute).)" [Maryam:28]. Maryam alayha al salam then pointed to Isa alayhi al salam. . . "(Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy?)" [Maryam:29]. Isa alayhi al salam with the power of Allah swt spoke to the people saying "(He spake: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet,)""(And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive,)" "(And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest.)" "(Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!) [Maryam:30-33]. The people where shocked that the baby spoke and here in these few ayahs, it shows that Isa alayhi al salam came in peace and that he will come again [one of the signs of the Day of Judgement].

Concluding, Maryam alayha al salam was an example for all mankind. She was pious, pure and perfected her religion. Some lessons I learnt from her are that one; no matter how hard the situation is always have full tawakul (trust) in Allah swt second; Allah swt can make anything happen (i.e example of Isa alayhi al salam's birth albeit without a male). Third; with Maryam alayha al salam's devotion to her religion and her ibadah she was able to reach such a high state in Allah swt's eyes and that to be able to reach such a high state, one must let go of his/her desires and focus on her religion albeit what everyone says. Finally we all have to be patient in everything we go through because it all happens for a reason. Maryam alayha al salam's story, not only a beautiful one but an inspirational one.

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh,
I actually wrote this essay in school and I just wanted to share it with you all. Hope you liked it :)

-Umm Mj

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