How to gain lots of ajr (good deeds) without doing anything

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Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh,

So as you've seen, so much books have the CopyRight sign and notice in the books on Wattpad like my book (The Niqabi and the Sheikh) but this book has NONE, meaning your allowed to take ANYTHING from this book and spread it. Whatever I personally wrote just include my pen name (lioness) or link my book but the rest, screenshot and send to friends.

This is the best way to ear ajr (good deeds) without doing anything and not even knowing about it. Imagine you spread the Ahadith and then your friend starts doing some sunnah because of that hadith, YOU will get the same of amount of good deeds he/she is getting without really doing NOTHING! So get screen shotting and spreading this message. Your rewards are loading...

Oh and of course I am not going to go without any evidence...

"Whoever guides anyone to goodness, his reward shall be the same as those who follow his guidance without lessening a bit of their reward." - Rasool Allah [SAWS]

"Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death, he will have a reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward."


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