Haram RUINS your life!

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Have you realised everything Haram ruins your life in a way. SubhānAllah, if you live the clean pure, true Islamic way, you won't face these problems.

For example:
1. Intoxicants [drugs and alcohol]:

Have you realised the people who have taken alcohol, their lives are ruined. They either become alcoholic, their families are lost, connections with (true) friends gone, depression becomes more and emptiness is all that is felt. People who take alcohol became lost and begin to do anything for alcohol. Some murder their parents because their mind is not with them, they are too intoxicated. How about those who take drugs? They always think that they will be happy when they take them but they end up being so depressed and so sad. Its like they have lost their mind. They become like raging beasts who ruin their lives and murder people just for the money. I have seen this documentary about one of the dangerous drugs and it is so scary. One can come up to you, blow the powder and when you sniff it, its too late. You will be at their service. What I mean is that you would be controlled like a doll. You begin to listen to anyones command and thats how the murder and robbery came about into that place [I forgot what that place was]. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala protect us. I am trying to say everything that is haram is ruining someones life one way or another. Lets give another example.

2. Zina (sexual intercourse before marriage):

Many unknown diseases that came about are because of this. A known one is the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus also known as AIDS). Its people who have committed zina and the disease passes on from one person to another. The scary thing is HIV is very contagious. It can be passed on easily. Someone told me a story about how someone who went to get their nose pierced got HIV because the needle or the special stapler wasn't cleaned properly and the person before her had HIV. [Not to scare you or anything. Just remind the person piercing your body to clean the needle twice] May Allah subhanahu wata'ala protect us all, Allahuma ameen.

Haram ruins your life one way or another. Don't get close to haram or else you will regret it. Wallah its scary. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala guide us to the straight path and protect us from all harm. Ameen thuma ameen.

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