The Eight doors of Jannah

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ابواب الجنة الثمانية
The (8) doors of Jannah

١. باب الصلاة
The door for people who observed their prayers

٢. باب الجهاد
The door for people who were martyred through jihad for the sake of Allah (swt) defending Islam

٣. باب الصدقة
The door for people who frequently would give away Charity

٤. باب الريان
The door for people who used to fast frequently (especially in Ramadan)

٥. باب الحج
The door for people who have performed Hajj

٦. باب الكاضمين الغيض والعافين عن الناس
The door for people who control their anger and forgive others

٧. باب الإمان
The door for people who have sincere faith and trust in Allah (swt)

٨. باب الذكر
The door for people who constantly remember Allah (swt) through Thikr

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