The Love for Allah subhanahu wata'ala

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The Love for Allah subhanahu wata'ala.

‎بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Bismillah, Asalamu 'alayna wa'alā 'ibādilahi saliheen, Ash-hadu ana Lāilaha ila Allah wa Ashadu ana Muhammadan 'abduhu warasooluh...

We've grown to simply love our family, friends or people who are close to us yet we haven't established the Love for Allah subhanahu wata'ala. The one who deserves all love. We seem to create delusions or ideas about the fact that life is one and will soon come to end so we simply just 'live the life' forgetting about the one who truly loves us. Ya Ikhwān wa Akhawāt, oh my brother and sisters, these days you see Muslims who are going through hardship blame their Lord, Allah subhanahu wata'ala for everything they are going through...the sad thing is, they blame the one who only wants good for them. They blame Al-Ghafoor and Al-Raheem. They blame Allah 'Aza wa Jal, the Lord the Al-Mighty, the Supreme, The Magnificent. How have we stooped so low to blame the Best of Planners.

If you really have pondered about life and thought thoroughly about your trials and tribulations than you would have noticed that if what you expected would have happened a negative outcome would come out of it. How have we simply stooped so low to forget that even though we sin, we have a merciful Rabb who is always by our side...I have grown to Love Allah subhanahu wata'ala every single day; and this happens when one contemplates Allah's favour and blessings upon his servants. I simply could have been a non-muslim. That one point enough makes me happier that I follow a religion of submission and I obey a Lord so Merciful.

Imagine yourselves Ikwati wa Akhawāti (My brothers and sisters), how long do we have left in a world which will soon stop spinning? How long do we have left before the sun rises from the West? How long do we have left till we are covered from head to toe in our graves...Think my brothers and sisters about the situation you will soon face! When you will be nothing in anyones eyes...just flesh over bones, then bones only...until you disintegrate and become one with the soil.

"The lover of Allah is he who forgets his own self, remains engaged in Allah's remembrance with due regard to all its requirements; sees Allah with the eyes of his heart, which is burnt by the heat of Allah's fear; Allah's remembrance affects him like a cup of wine, he speaks the word of Allah as if All-Mighty Allah speaks through his mouth; if he moves, he does so under the command of Allah; he gets peace of mind only through the obedience of Allah; and when such a stage is reached, his eating, drinking, sleeping, awakening and, in short, all his actions are for the pleasure of Allah; he neither pays heed to the worldly customs, nor does he attach any importance to unfriendly criticism by people." (anonymous)

Have we really contemplated on Allah subhanahu wata'ala and his Glory, the Most Sublime. To love Allah subhanahu wata'ala, we need to love our religion. To love our religion we need to fully experience the thrill and enjoyment of it. We have to really grasp and taste the sweetness of Iman to really be able to Love Allah subhanahu wata'ala. To Love subhanahu wata'ala isn't just by words...its through actions. Lets start today by proving our love to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Lets back up our love with evidence of deen, Husunul Khulq (good manners) and our Salawat (Prayers).

There is a saying that goes...
"There are two things that never break your heart, the for love for Allah and the love for the sake of Allah subhanahu wata'ala"

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala make us of those who contemplate on Allah subhanahu wata'ala's favours and may he make us of those whom he loves. May he make us of the inhabitants of Paradise, the Firdaws Al-A'la. Allahuma Ameen.

-Umm MJ

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