A letter to the reader...

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Dear whoever is reading this,

Today, at this this time I am writing this letter to tell you something important. Something I want you to understand and do. I wan't you to reread if you don't understand...

I want you to know that I am a WEAK servant like all of you and I love my Lord Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Today you are written as my witness...You are the witness of what I am about to tell you to do and why I wan't you to do it.

If you my brother and/or sister in Islam don't find me in Jannatul Firdaws Al A'la tell Allah subhanahu wata'ala that I was the girl who wrote such and such book on Wattpad to remind you and the Muslims on this app/website. Before you ignore the rest of this and leave to the next page I ask you to make dua for me right now if its possible. A small dua like "May Allah subhanahu wata'ala grant this author Jannah" "May Allah subhanahu wata'ala bless her" etc.

And remember you are my witness for a book I once wrote and will keep writing...JazakAllah khayr if you've read up to here. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala reward you and me immensely and grant us the highest places in Jannah. Allahuma ameen.

Again if you don't find in me in Jannah do ask about me.

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