Islam and Love | FIQH OF LOVE

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Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh, these points are taken from the book:
'Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam by Shaikh Yasir Birjas'.

Islam and Love:

"Of Love--may God exalt you! -the first part is jesting, and the last part is right earnestness. So majestic are its diverse aspects, they are too subtle to be described; their reality can only be apprehended by personal experience. Love is neither disapproved by Religion, nor prohibited by the Law; for every heart is in God's hands."
Ibn Hazm

قال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وسلم في خديجة - رضي االله عنها- : "إني رزقت حبها."
The Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alayhi wa sallm speaking about his wife Khadija said: "Verily, I was filled with love for her."

Love: (Hub/حب) in Arabic
The definition: (noun)
-Strong and positive emotion of regard and affection Passion
-Any object of form or affection
-Sexual love (lust and desire)
-Love making

As a (verb) -
-Liking for someone; having great affection
-A feeling of intense affection given freely without any restriction
-Love exists in all persons either with sensibility (for all people) or passion
-(strongly excited or a particular person)

The Nature of Love:
-Hub - Love
-Ishq (عشق)- deeper love and becomes obsessive and commit haraam deeds.
-Love is a human sickness (Psychological)
-Spiritually: natural instinct
-Sacrificial love - religious love (ex. Allah)

It's concluded that Love is natural and from Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Love is not in your hands, its in Allah subhanahu wata'ala's hands.

Al Bousseeri said in his poetry:
"Does the lover think that his love can be concealed?
While his eyes are shedding tears and his heart is glowing,
Had it not been for love, you would not have shed tears at the ruins (of your beloved), nor would you become restless at the remembrance of the cypress (tree) at the high mountain, How do you deny love after the testimony, Borne against you by (such) reliable witnesses as your tears and your illness."

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