Apps that I recommend

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Apps to help with your Deen and the ones I recommend:

The first one is called Al-Dua:
So its practically dua for everything, both arabic and in English. You wan't dua for sickness you got it there, you want dua before sleep you got it there etc. this app also has extra Duas you could use in your prayers.

The second is Bayan Qur'an:
This one is what I use in school for Qur'an class. Well it is just a digital Qur'an with English translation in it. You could also click on a verse of your choice and it will recite it for you. . .with a sheikh from the list.

The third Qur'an Academy:
This is like Bayan Qur'an but if you have someone marking your reading and you make a mistake, you can hold on the part where you made a mistake and press highlight. It will highlight your mistake for you so when you read you kinda focus on the parts you made a mistake and also to show you where your mistakes are.

The fourth is The Merciful Servant:
I love this because I can just watch that channels videos in one app. It has like videos, photos etc. It is pretty good.

The fifth is called Qur'an stories:
So it's basically just stories from the Qur'an in one app and its so good. Especially if you like reading stories.

The fifth is HOTD (Hadith of the day):
This is one of my favourite apps, not only does it give you hadiths everyday but it has Qur'anic quotes, Hadiths and Duas you can share. (Where some of my hadiths from this book are from). I love it.

The sixth Key2Paradise:
This is one of my FAVE because it has hadiths about stuff that can allow you to enter Jannah and stuff that will makes you go to Jahannam. It includes supplications, If you say Subhanallah, what is its reward...etc.

The seventh is Hisn Muslim:
This app is so good because if you are travelling you can take this anywhere with you. Its like a supplication book just an app. It's like Al-Dua but has a little bit more of supplications in it. There is both Arabic and English with transliterations.

The eighth is Fortification:
This is like Hisn Muslim but the Arabic is kinda clear. Supplication app.

The ninth is Islamic Stories:
Just an app that has so cool stories and it is so good to read. You can learn a lot from this app.

The tenth is Muslim Pro:
So this is practically an Athan app. It sends notifications when the Athan goes off and stuff like that. What I LOVE about this app is everyday it sends Quranic quotes in your notification. So everyday you read one verse of the Qur'an in Arabic and or English (Other Languages like french etc.)

The Eleventh is Idress Abkar:
An app that includes the WHOLE Qur'an recitation by Idrees Abkar. I LOVE his recitation. Allahuma Barik lahu. Ameen.

The twelfth is Quran:
Its like Bayan Qur'an and Qur'an Academy BUT it has tafseer for every verse of the Qur'an in English, Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Thai, Swedish, Farsi, Albanian, Somalian, Urdu, Malaysian and MANY more.

The final one is Athan:
So this is like the other Athan app but it doesn't have the Qur'anic quotes BUT it has a cool Prayer log thingy where you can log each and every one of your Salah. Its like a Salah Tracker. And the cool thing is you get rewarded with Badges. . .o-O

So yeah thats practically what I have, In Sha Allah you at least download one of these.

Love you all sisters-fillah
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh.

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