Say Bismillah before. . . | SAD REALITY

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The problems of the Muslims don't end here.

So I will give you an example of what I will be talking about today. So there are ALOT of people who say 'Say Bismillah before. . .' No you're all there like before what? Okay let me tell you.

A Lot of people nowadays don't give a hoot about halal and haram food and when it is Haram food they say BISMILLAH to make it 'Halal' for themselves.

'Say bismillah before you drink alcohol'
'Say bismillah and eat it' (haram food)


Okay people lets get it straight. Bismillah isn't a secret word that will suddenly, magically turn the haram food into halal. No it actually won't. You are legitimately disgracing the word bismillah which has the word Allah and you are committing the haram.

Its like saying 'say bismillah before you do Zina'. Like this scenario doesn't even enter the head. What are people on these days? Seriously. Wallahi man wake up.

People, please please stop doing this man. Don't even eat the haram food in the first place. What got you as a muslim into the club? What got you as a muslim to eat that ham/pig/pork and or haram gelatine?

Akhi, Ukhti the Ummah of Islam is slowly waking up but some are still in the darkness. How can we let ourselves go down that low?

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

(Such a sad reality tbh :/)

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