Perfume. We all know what it is. How can a water-like substance be of a problem in our society. Yet it is. Women from all over the world drown themselves in perfume then leave the house for the men to sniff and enjoy, yet little did they know the amount of sins they are indulging in. Women nowadays feel insecure about how they look, how they dress and how they smell. Petty excuses like 'if I don't leave the house with perfume then I will smell' are really not an excuse you would like to say to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Sister understand this, there are plenty of odourless deodorants out there and I am sure if the practising sisters and myself nowadays leave the house without smelling then I am sure you could. Drowning yourself with this substance can be the cause for your entrance in to Hellfire.
A step closer to Jannah [Book I]
SpiritualB O O K I "And remind, for the reminder benefits the believer" You chose Jannah. Now you have to work for it. Grasp as much rewards as you can for this is a competition of Iman. Read and earn and raise your level in Jannah. (Rants, hadiths, ayahs...