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A best friend is one who will be there for you in happiness, hardship, troubles, fun and craziness. A best friend is one who will constantly remind you of Allah subhanahu wata'ala every time we talk. A best friend, even though hundreds of kilometres away, is always in contact with you, always gots you back, always available. A best friend is when we could express our feelings but won't leave a detail out, a best friend is one you could trust, sometimes more than your own siblings...A best friend is one who knows your secrets, one who laughs with you, one who cracks jokes with you, one who will cry with you and one who will whine with you. A best friend is one that we don't get bored with, one we could imagine in our future, one that will always dream with you. One that is considered your lost half soul, one that you love for the sake of Allah subhanahu wata'ala, the one you want to be in Jannatul Firdaws with, the one that you want close to you, the one you want to die with, the one you know will help you, will give advice to you. The one who you will never separate from.

- Dedication to my close close sister in Islam which I'll keep anonymous. I love you sooo much feesabililah xox.
~ Umm Mj

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