Muslim women are OPPRESSED!

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Muslim women are always the basis, the structure for the Non-believers excuse for female rights and superiority because Muslim women are being 'oppressed' by their husbands and are forced to wear a hijab or a Niqab.

This question goes to the non-believers who think that Muslim women are oppressed. Who is forced when society is telling you to dress a certain way, look a certain way, talk a certain way all because you are a 'mans tool'. Who keeps labelling you because of how skinny you are or how you dress? If you're a model or not? If you workout or not? If you got tan skin or not? Are we (Muslim women) oppressed when all you do in life is follow a stupid ideology, an ideology which tells you to dress to impress and I mean not for your husbands but any man who you can get your hands on! This corrupt society has led you to starve yourselves & look at the mirror and wishing you were perfect.

But look at us Muslims who wear the Hijab and or Niqab! We are liberated women who are free from the enslavement of society. We don't follow the ridiculous standards of 'men' and don't need to be of certain height , shape or size to tell us or show us we are women. We are not water bottles that men drink from and then reuse. We aren't prostitutes out there seeking pleasure from men only for money. We are not an object that is played around with then thrown away when its use has come to completion.

We are queens in our religion who have to be maintained by men. Its our right that men take care for us, provide for us, and treat us kindly. We are women who aren't only seen as a Queen, but we are women who are liberated and free. We are women who are going to awaken the next generation with our children, we will make the future. We will shape it to be the best. With our kids, Islam will rise. With our kids the Ummah will unite and the generation of Islam will be of the best.

So the next time you say muslim women are oppressed think twice of the labelings that you are indoctrinated of following and the treatment of non-muslim women. Next time you think we are oppressed because we wear the Hijab and Niqab just look at the tight skirt, mini skirt, tight jeans and clothing that you have to wear. Just tell me how LIBERATED are YOU?


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