Player | POEM

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Your fake smile
Your fake sweet words
Your fake acts
What have you gained?

Brother, she isn't a doll
with no feelings.
She is a human being
with feelings

You play her,
she is your favourite game
But at the end
you get sick of playing

So you throw it away,
like it never mattered before.
All used
You are satisfied, but

You need more
You want more.
So with your fake smile,
Fake sweet words,

You go hunt for another
You use her like tissue
and when you are satisfied
You throw her away.

Brother what have you gained?
She is a queen
so treat her as one.
One day you will be a king

Your house full of princesses,
Soon to be queens
Would you want a player
to use your daughter?

With their fake smiles
Fake sweet words
Fake acts
They will play her

And like you were sick of your game
They will be too
But when you want to save your princess
It will be too late

Because his fake smile
His fake sweet words
His fake acts
Already convinced her

And she fell into his evil traps.
Stop playing her,
Like shes your game!
Brother, what are you going to gain?

Your are just fake at the end
And she is a game already played.

JazakAllah Khayr ikwan and akawat for the support. Some liked my old poem so I thought why not make another one ┌(^_^)┘
{should I keep writing poems or Na?}

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