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Lets get this straight you immoral people who have banned the Niqab , what was your lame excuse? I cant see her face? Shes scary? We can't communicate? Look at her?

What are you babies? No! Children are more wiser in making just decisions than you!

Well okay lets see you can't see her face?
Oh well since you are a two face hypocrite I don't know which face to look at but have you seen those people on social media who chat to people who they haven't even seen before? No picture, just a fake identity reeling others in.  Well I can't see their face, why don't you first begin by banning social media which causing more harm, suicides, depression etc than the Niqab?

Shes scary?
What are you ten? Scared because of a piece of cloth. Grow up!
Ban haunted houses. Ban scary movies before you ban the Niqab and don't tell me thats different because you have no excuse to ban the Niqab because the list goes on and on and on.

We all find different things scary but we don't go around banning things. If you don't like something, we get that. But going around banning the things that you don't like will turn the world into chaos.

We can't communicate?
Well lets begin by defining the word 'communication'.


First definition:
The activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information.

Second definition:
To transmit thoughts and feelings.

Final definition:
share or exchange information or ideas.

Okay lets pause. Reread. Does it, in any definition, say 'ones face must be visible to communicate' in fact communication on the phone does NOT require the face to be shown, only the voice and we are not mute nor deaf so we can speak. Unless you are deaf and cant hear us. You do not require my face to be visible for you to communicate with me.

If I can speak and you can hear than I am sure we can communicate really well without any problems.

Look at her?
Yeah look at me! Whats wrong? I am liberated! I am free! It was my choice to cover up or not and I chose to cover. I am beautiful in my own way, for my future husband who I shall uncover and reveal my beauty to.

Why are you jealous that you have to follow the stupid enslavement of society? Are you really liberated like you say? We have a choice! We have a right! So why do we need to be punished for a choice that we've made?

Women are paid to go naked, while women are fined because they are covered!

Truth hurts ☺️

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