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Draco Malfoy. He scoffed when he realized he had to go back for another year. Mostly because of Potter. He couldn't help a... whatever it's called, tug onto his lips at the thought of Potter.

Potter and his unruly mop of raven hair, that Draco just wanted to run his fingers through. Potter and his deep emerald eyes, that seem to spark whenever Draco glances at him. Potter and his dorky glasses, that seem to fit perfectly on his face. Potter and his dorky grin, calling out to Draco. He could hear it now.

"Draco." Draco liked the sound of Potter saying his name, for who knows why.

"Draco!" There it is again, Draco thought. Draco and Potter didn't sound half bad.

"DRACO!" He snapped out of his thoughts and whipped his head around to the noise, only to see Pansy.

He scoffed and stood up, levitating his trunks, as a... whatever it's called, tugged higher onto his face. He immediately pulled it into a scowl and cursed under his breath. He wasn't supposed to be thinking about that!

Draco Malfoy, mustn't like Harry Potter. He mustn't!
Harry Potter. Currently quite happy about the thought of returning to Hogwarts. He finally could forget about the war. However, there was a seed of doubt in his mind. Malfoy. He couldn't help himself, thinking about that boy.

Malfoy and his stiff, platinum blonde hair, that Harry seemed to like. Malfoy and his cold, grey eyes that were actually silver if you looked at it. Malfoy and his horrid sneer, that somehow would turn into a smile-ish when their eyes meet. For some reason Harry liked that on him.

Harry hoped that Malfoy would be nicer this year. He could almost imagine Malfoy saying his name.

"Harry." He went deeper into his thoughts, thinking more and more about a certain Slytherin.

"Harry!" He frowned, why was he thinking about this stuff? About a boy too?

"HARRY!" Harry jumped, snapping out of his thoughts to see a frazzled Hermione.

He tentatively smiled at her and went to grab his belongings. She looked at him quizzically before shrugging it off and walking out of the train.

Harry almost dropped the trunk he was carrying in realization.

He actually thought Malfoy was... well... beautiful!

Harry Potter couldn't be gay for Draco Malfoy. He couldn't!
Hermione Granger was the brightest witch of her age. Many people knew this. But she had a different side to her as well.

She couldn't help but notice things about Harry. How on the train ride he looked deep in thought, and she could tell he was thinking about Malfoy.
How he had blushed, when she finally got him out of his thoughts, and how whenever he looked at Malfoy, his eyes would light up.

Hermione Granger couldn't help but notice strange things about Malfoy too. How he would smile, slightly, after looking at Harry.

Hermione decided to try and decipher these two. After all, she did think they were perfect together.

It's a girl thing, you see.
Headmistress McGonagall was currently in her cat form, watching the students go by.

She couldn't help but notice something odd going on between a certain Gryffindor and Slytherin, you see.

So, she couldn't help it as she bounded towards the castle, and to a certain painting in her office.

You see, even before this honorary man died, they would do this. In fact, he would always win.

McGonagall hoped she'd win this time. She's lost too many Galleons already.

She decided to bet on Draco, and that he would make the first move.

It's a teacher thing, you see.

Betting on the unsuspecting students. And, of course, seeing the couples merge together.

It's a nice pass time, you see.
Draco sighed and repeatedly banged his head on the wood of the Thestrals-pulling carriage. He couldn't get these thoughts of Potter out of his head.

It became worse when Potter, Granger, and Weasley decided to go in the same carriage as him.

Weasley, Potter, and Granger started some small talk with themselves, and he groaned, rubbing his head. It hurt.

He barely even noticed Weasley making snide comments about him, Granger watching him with curious eyes, and Potter looking at him NICELY.

When he lifted his head, (it was in his lap for some unspeakable reason) he looked at the three Gryffindorks.

He began to open his mouth when he remembered his and Pansy's conversation earlier.

"I hate Potter. He an absolute prat. Why does he have to annoy me this much? I hate his glasses, and his scar, and his-" Draco ranted on. However, getting to the good point of why he hated Harry Potter, Pansy interrupted him.

"Please Draco, not this again." She sighed, rolling her eyes at this poor boy.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused. Not this again?

"All your ranting about Potter! Soon enough, you'll go into how beautiful his eyes are. Or how amazing his hair is." Pansy tried to hint at the boy, but to no avail. "You love Potter, why can't you admit it?" She added.

Draco frowned at her.

"Why would you say something like that!" He snapped at her, turning away. A million thoughts began to run through his head, but one of them stood out.

The thought was about a certain Harry Potter. And how Pansy may be right.

All that came out from Draco was an involuntary squeak and he buried his head in between his hands once again.

'Merlins beard, Pansy. Why must you be right?'

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now