Boyfriend Weekend(11)

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"Hey...sleepyhead wake up." Draco murmured softly into Harry's neck.

Harry groaned and stretched, almost hitting Draco in the face. "I don't wanna...."

Draco smiled. Stubborn boy. He, reluctantly detached himself from Harry, and hopped off the bed. Making a speedy change into normal clothes, he walked back over to Harry.

"If that's how you want it...." Draco trailed off, brushing his lips against Harry's. He blushed a nice crimson colour as Draco peppered his face with kisses.

"Then hurry up." He teased, pulling away. Harry sleepily sat up and gaped at him as Draco stood up and walked towards the door.

"C'mon Scarface."

"As you wish, Ferret."

The Great Hall was busy with the students making plans for the weekend when Draco and Harry entered together.

Hermione smiled and shook Rons arm, pointing at the two boys.

"Bloody hell 'Moine. They're just friends." Ron had finally gotten used to the whole 'Malfoy and Harry' friendship quickly, and wasn't going to tease them about it either.

"I know but-"

"You and your fantasies." Ron teased, and Hermione hit him playfully on the arm before kissing his cheek.

"Shhhh.... It'll happen." She mentally squealed as Harry walked over, but something was different about him.

Harry's eyes were definitely brighter, and his usual smile was bigger and wider than a few days ago.

"Hi Harry!" She chirped as he sat down, grinning. "Where were you?"

"Slept with Draco-" He was cut off by a choking sound, which happened to be Ron almost choking on his breakfast, and his face was a pale white.

Harry turned crimson and Hermione patted Ron's back so he wouldn't keep choking.

"R-Ron!" Harry squeaked, turning an even darker shade than before (if that was even possible).

Ron finally stopped choking. "You and M-Malfoy......" He kept his composure, but went a sick green to a pale white at least 3 times. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Honestly Ronald, will you stop that!" She turned back to Harry. "No matter what, we'll support you, right?" She elbowed Ron lightly, and he nodded.

"Yeah, mate." Hermione grinned.

I wonder... she thought. Are they together?

A shriek from the Slytherin table answered her question.
"Merlins beard, Pansy! Go on and tell the whole student body why don't you." Draco cupped his hands over his ears protectively. The shriek almost shattered his eardrums.

"Draco!! You and Pot-"

Draco scowled at her and interrupted.
"It's Harry not Potter. Honestly Pansy."

Pansy gaped at him. As you could probably tell, Draco had never corrected her like that before.

"Well then. You and Harry are together? You kissed him yet?" Asked Blaise, whom had just sat down, and Draco cupped a hand over his own mouth to prevent a shrill scream erupting.

"Bloody hell, yes Blaise." Pansy went red. "Now, man up and go ask out that Longbottom." Draco teased, and the Slytherins looked at him strangely. Draco Malfoy never teased. He always threatened.

Draco must have realized his mistake, because his once gleaming smile was replaced with a (harmless) sneer. The few people who were still terrified of Draco scrambled away from him, but the others just tuned him out.

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now