Forget it(4)

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Draco put on his mask quite quickly as he sat down at the Slytherin table. He didn't want people realizing that he and Harry were friends, at least, not yet.

"Draco, are you alright?" Pansy asked him, and he pulled his face into a scowl.

Am I? He thought. He thinks he's in love with Harry, who's obviously straight, and even if Harry was gay, he'd never love Draco. He sighed.

"I hate Potter." He stated, although he was just trying to convince the feelings to go away.

"Not this AGAIN." Groaned an annoyed Blaise.

"What do you mean, again?" Draco questioned with a frown, raising his eyebrows.

"I mean, you always say that, and then go on about how 'beautiful' his eyes are and how you want to 'run your fingers through his hair'. Mate, you're gay, accept it." Blaise finished with an eye roll, and Draco huffed.

"I'm not gay." He spoke, and again, it was like he was trying to convince himself, instead of answer Blaise and Pansy.

"Sure." They both chorused, "You're as straight as Potter's glasses."

Draco opened his mouth, an exactly on his lips before realizing what they just said.

He death glared both of them, whom were running out of the Great Hall before they got killed.

Draco chuckled dryly and sighed.

"I guess it's true." He spoke to himself.

The only reason why he tried to convince himself he wasn't gay, was because of his father, and what a nightmare that was.
A young fourth-year Draco politely knocked on his fathers dorm room. He had something quite important to say.

"Come in, Draco." His father spoke coldly, and Draco stepped inside.

"I have something important to tell you father." Draco managed not to stutter. Malfoy's mustn't stutter. He thought.

"What is it Draco, I don't want you wasting my time." Draco had second thoughts about telling his father this life changing thing, but it was too late to turn back now.

"Father... I'm gay." He spoke politely, and found great interest in his shoes. They were very... black.

"You're WHAT?!" His father roared, bolting up from where he was sitting.

"Malfoys are NOT GAY." His father declared, and the spell Draco had been dreading was upon him.

"CRUCIO!" Draco screamed in absolute pain, the feeling of thousands of needles pricking him washed over his body. He let out another blood curling scream and promptly fainted.
The last thing Draco heard before falling out of his seat from the intensity of the flashback, was "DRACO!"
Harry was currently smiling, and laughing with his friends over a joke Ron told, and he was finally funny.

That is, until the Great Hall echoed with a body falling to the ground.

"DRACO!" A voice rang out of the hall, and Harry tried to keep his mouth shut.
He turned to the voice, forcing himself not to race over to Draco and see if he was alright.

McGonagall, whom levitated Draco up so he could be taken to the hospital wing, made eye contact with Harry.

"Harry, you come with me." Harry's eyebrows furrowed, but walked carefully over to the two of them.

"Yes, professor?" Harry asked, looking slightly up at her. He absolutely hated his height, not growing an inch since the war. Living in a cupboard for 11 years might've had something to do with it, however.

"Take Draco here to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey will tend to him."

Harry nodded, and Draco was dropped safely into his arms, so Harry could carry him bridal style.

As he walked out to the Great Hall, he chuckled at Draco's form. The laughing stopped, however, when Draco seemed to nuzzle his head into Harry's chest.

"What have you gotten yourself into this time." He murmured to himself, smiling as he carried a peaceful Draco to the hospital wing. Not knowing of the consequences that decided to lay before him.

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now