Something is Happening(13)

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"When will we make the move, sir?" A man asked, cowering at the sight of the evil man before him.

"Soon." Was all he snapped, maliciously and anger seemed to boil up inside of him.

He surveyed the castle, a smirk glued onto his cold features as he swiped his hair away from his determined eyes.

"I'll get you, Draco Lucius Malfoy. I promise you that. Or else, my name is not-" He was cut off from his villainous speech by a tug on his robes, which he scowled.

"What is it?"

"S-sir...... Harry Potter is with him."

His eyes twinkled with a certain, charm to them, dancing with glee.

"Killing two meddlesome boys at once? How...... perfect."
"Harry!" Draco called out, his eyes wandering the almost barren room. He frowned. Where on earth did he go?

"BOO!" A voice screamed, and Draco let out a high pitched girly shriek, collapsing on the cold floor.

"Merlins beard, Scarhead. You scared me to death!" His hand was on his heart, and he could feel it beating tremendously fast. Was that because of the scare, or because of Harry?

"Awh, come one Dray. You're being a bad boyfriend....." Harry teased, pecking Draco's forehead.

Draco rolled his eyes playfully at the childish boy and began to stand up. It was finally time for the ball, thank Merlin.

"Ah, Harry, what about the...the others?" He asked, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. He looked at Harry, biting his lip.

Melody and Fred were already trying to get them together, and Granger may or may not know what is going on between the two. Weasley (much to Draco's amusement) is still to thick headed to realize what Draco was saying was either true or not true. Oh, it will be. Draco knew that.

The student body definitely knew that they had a truce, and were.... sort-of-friends. Blaise and Pansy didn't know about it yet, although Draco was happy to leave them guessing.

Merlin forbid the teachers liked them together (Draco shuddered just thinking about it) and well....... there was only one other person whom Draco was concerned about. Lucius Malfoy.

Draco had long ago forbid to think of that man as his father, for all of those horrid things that had happened to him at the Manor.

"Draco, love, are you alright?" Harry spoke, snapping Draco out of his thoughts quite quickly. He looked at him, and in an instant, Harry's arms wrapped around his waist, ruffling up his dress robes.

"Harry James Potter! You messed up the dress robes!" He cried out, and Harry's body shook with contained mirth.

"Honestly!" Draco teased, kissing Harry's nose softly.

Harry chuckled, his glasses going askew and Draco went to straighten them up.
"Draco, it'll be alright! We can just say everyone else was taken." Harry suggested, pondering over what Draco had said while walking to the dance.

"I know, I know!" Draco mused, and he beamed.

As quick as a Firebolt, he made sure no one was around before planting a kiss on Draco's parted lips.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds, for they could hear someone coming to the hallway.

"Blaise!" Draco chirped, rushing over to the Slytherin and giving him a small hug. Harry laughed.

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now