Here's The Wedding (27)

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"How are you? Excited?" Hermione asked Harry as she helped him with his tie.



"Of course." Hermione smiled, patting his back.

"Well, just think of the reaction you got when you told us the two of you were married." She mused, softly laughing.

It was quite the handful. When they announced it, Hermione practically started screaming, Pansy squealed and Blaise congratulated them. Fred and Melody both admired the ring, and George and Dan, who had recently gotten out of the hospital, smiled at the soon-to-be husbands. Of course Fred and George were rather protective, saying that if Draco ever broke Harry's heart, they call dibs on killing him.

Ron.....was just Ron.

Harry chuckled to himself and shook his head as he readjusted his suit.

"I still can't believe Ron fainted from shock." Hermione laughed at that.

"Yes well it was quite a shock to us all."

"You two will never let me live that down will you?" Ron's voice popped up and the two turned around. Ron was wearing an old-fashioned black tux, but with a slight frilled collar.

"Nah." Harry laughed again, feeling quite better about the nerves. He began to walk towards the door, to see Draco, but both of his friends stopped them.

"Hold up! You're not allowed to see him until he walks down the aisle." They protested.

"Like you're going to listen to that rule when the two of you get married." Harry retorted playfully, and Ron looked over at Hermione.

"He has a point, 'Mione."

Hermione huffed, rolling her eyes but stepped away from Harry.

"Good luck with Parkinson."

Harry grinned, thanked his two friends and ran out the door. In the process, he almost crashed into someone.

"Sorry! Didn't see you th- Draco!?" Harry shouted, and Draco grinned at him.

"Came to see you. Pansy'll flip when she realizes I escaped. Wanted to give you something, actually." Draco held out his palm, and in it, was a black oval stone. It looked.....familiar.

"Draco you didn't-"

"C'mon there's an hour or two before we get married." Draco dragged him off to an abandoned room, and they both sat on the floor.


"Ready." Harry's voice was shaking.

They turned the stone around three times, and suddenly there were wisps of smoke and voices.

"Harry, darling, I've missed you!" His mum cried out, kneeling down and hugging him. Although Harry couldn't physically feel it, he was immensely happy.

"So that's the boy you're marrying?" His dad raised an eyebrow at Harry, who nodded and brought Draco closer to him.

Since Draco couldn't see them, he waved in the direction Harry was facing.

"For a Malfoy he doesn't seem to bad." His dad shrugged off-handily.

"James! Be nice."

"I am nice!"

"H...How's Remus? Sirius?" He asked, and James broke out into a huge grin.

"I missed the lads! They're probably shagging each other somewhere." He shrugged again, waving a hand off to the left of him, and Harry's eyes widened.

"Err....may I say something?" Draco asked, and Harry turned to him and his parents.

They nodded, and Harry nodded as well. Draco turned to the generally direction of his family. He was shaking.

"I just want to say that Harry is a wonderful person, and I love him very much. In the beginning I didn't think I deserved him, really. But he turned me around and I'm grateful for that."

"Is the kid shaking? No way." His dad laughed. "Scares of us, eh? You should be!"

"Tell Draco that we approve. He's quite the handsome lad."

Draco looked at Harry expectantly, and Harry grinned at him and kissed his cheek.

"They approve. Mum thinks you're gorgeous." Draco blushed at that.

"We'll all be sitting at the very front, along with Hedwig darling." His mother said with a smile, and Harry dropped the stone to the floor with a 'clack'.
A/N: So very very sorry but I honestly can't wait for this story to be over I've been working on it forever and barely been updating, not to mention working on other stories as well. There's a small Time Skip to the actual Wedding, and I'm sorry if it seems rushed but I hate this story right now again very very sorry

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