Smiles and Scars -Part 3 (20)

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(Alternatively Titled: In Which Two Boys Talk About Feelings)

It was about an hour since the outburst of affection in the Great Hall, and thankfully everyone was more than okay with it.

Except Draco.

Harry noticed him acting somewhat off about the whole endeavour. The way he placed himself was different. Like he was trying to fold himself inward and hide. He frowned.

-Harry! Harry! You listening?" Piped up a Gryffindor girl whom he forgot the name of, and he grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. Maybe later." He stood up, taking Draco's hand (much to the Slytherins confusion), and pulled him away from the Great Hall.

They both walked in a comfortable silence through the halls leading to the doors, and outside towards the Black Lake. Draco didn't question Harry one bit, which was slight off. Usually he'd be speaking by now.

They reached the Black Lake, and both sit down underneath the shade of the oak tree Draco had climbed in fourth year.

Harry opened his mouth, but Draco interrupted him.

"Why do you like me?"

"What?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"You heard me. Why choose me? I'm nothing special."
A/N: I'll be updating the rest soon! Don't worry. :) I'm not dead yaaaay!!!!
Draco had to ask, you know. He had too.

Why was Harry dating him? He's a jerk (even though he's changing), a snob, a Malfoy, a son of a Death Eater (who's on the loose by the way), and a Death Eater himself. Not only that, but he's been hated by everyone.

Harry must have read his thoughts, or maybe he said the previous out loud, because he spoke.

"You're right, you know."

Draco wasn't expecting that.

"You've changed. You're not a jerk, or at least you're trying. You may be a snob, but it's downright hilarious. Your dad is a Death Eater, but your mother saved my life. And I know you're a Death Eater."

Harry pulled back Draco's sleeve to reveal the slightly faded Mark.....and kissed it.

Oh my god that's so like Harry.

And Draco loves him like hell. Has he ever told Harry that? Draco couldn't remember.

"You're a Malfoy, which is true. You're just different."

Harry finished his speech just in time, because a blonde, grey-eyed male just tackle hugged him, planting feather light kisses anywhere on his face.

"I love you I love you I love you." Draco grinned wickedly, and Harry chuckled.

"I love you too, Dray. And that's why I plan on m-"

He was cut off mid sentence by a burst of red sparks coming from the castle, and the couple spun around.

It was the signal for trouble and immediate danger.

"He's here." They echoed simoatainisly.
OH MY GODRIC IM NOT DEAD GUYS!!!!! You guys have been the absolute best people ever, sticking through months without any updates. I'm really sorry, and I'm attempting to get back on track once I have some free time.

Love you guys!!! You're the best!!!!! :3

:D :D :D :D

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