Finding Out The Easy Way (16)

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"Come on Ronald! Wake up!" Hermione tapped him in the shoulder, and he groaned.

"Don't wanna...." He moped, and Hermione rolled her eyes. He's not a morning person at all.

"You'll have to wake up Draco if you don't hurry up." Hermione offered, and the reaction was instant. He was out of bed, and staring at her with annoyance and playfulness. He muttered something about waking up Harry, and Hermione smiled. What a drama queen.

She walked over to Draco's room, knocking politely on the door. No answer. He was probably still asleep, which would make sense. She laid her hand on the handle, about to turn it, when Ron almost crashed into her.

"Harry isn't in his room can I sleep now?" Ron questioned, tilting his head. Hermione, with a laugh, shook her head.

"No, let's wake up Draco-"

"*cough* Ferret *cough*"

"- Ronald. And then we can search for Harry." Hermione finished turning the handle, pushing the door open ever so slightly.

"Draco?......" She spoke quietly, and once again there was no answer. She gently pushed the door open all the way, careful for it not to creak, and marvelled at the sight in front of her.

Draco's arms were wrapped around Harry, as if protecting him in his sleep. His face was half-buried into Harry's incredible mess of raven hair, and he had a small smile on his face. Their legs were tangled up in the blankets.

Harry's arms were wrapped around Draco's neck, as if Draco could protect him from everything. His head was laying against Draco's chest, and he looked the most peaceful he had even been since the War. She smiled softly at them, and gradually closed the door so it wouldn't wake them up.

Ron let out an outcry of surprise, when he had peeked to see why Hermione was frozen in place.

"Ferret and Harry?!?!?!?" He cried out, and Hermione ushered him to keep quiet so they would not wake.

"Why? When?" He spoke with a lower volume, and Hermione broke into a grin.

"They were so cute, and Harry looked so happy... And this would explain the constant blushing at the Slytherin table." Ron marvelled at the fact that she was okay with their used-to-be sworn enemy possibly together with their best friend.

Ron scratched the back of his neck.
"Alright- I suppose I could think about it......" He was cut off by Hermione leaping into his arms and giving him a bone-crushing hug. She pecked him on the lips.

"Thank Merlin! Anyway, let's go."
Harry woke up to sunshine and blonde hair. He felt something combing through his mess of a haircut, and stayed there peacefully. He then heard Draco's faint voice, humming a song he hadn't heard before.

Oh your eyes, your eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Your hair, your hair, falls perfectly without you trying
You're so beautiful, and I'll tell you everyday

"Harry, love. Wake up." Draco purred in his ear, and Harry shuffled quietly. He wanted to seem like he was still asleep. He heard Draco huff impatiently.

"Lazy arse." Draco quipped, his words dripping with sarcasm. Harry fought the urge to laugh.

Draco scooped him up, bridal style, and gently pressed Harry's glasses onto his face. Harry's lips twitched upwards.

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