When's The Wedding (26)

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"Hurry up Scarhead! Draco shouted to Harry, who only laughed.

"Dray, calm down." Harry shook his head, a feeling of admiration swelling in his chest.

Draco held out his hand, slightly bowing. Harry blushed, taking it and they smiled at each other. They were in the Room of Requirement, and it was much like a ballroom.

The floor was hardwood, and the walls were mirrors with stone columns in the corners. There were fairy lights dangling from the ceiling, and a small record player near the door. It was all quite beautiful.

Draco was wearing a dark green dress hurt with gold buttons, and black dress pants, complete with black dress shoes. His hair was free of any and all hair products, so it was slightly ruffled. Just as Harry liked it.

Harry, in turn, wore a dark, maroon-ish dress shirt with silver buttons, black pants, and black shoes much the same as Draco. His hair was only slightly tamed, parted so his scar was visible.

"Ready?" Draco asked, the hand that was holding Harry's lifting up, and the other wrapping around the boys waist. Harry's free hand went on Draco's shoulder, as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"I can't dance, really-" Harry was interrupted by Draco pressing a feather light kiss to his forehead.

"I'll lead you." Draco smiled, and the record began to play.

Draco softly sang the lyrics as they danced, stepping lightly. He twirled Harry, who laughed, and they swayed to the music. The chorus rolled around after a while, and Draco spoke up.

"Hey Harry?" Draco whispered, and Harry looked up at him, with a confused expression.

"I've been dreaming of this day ever since we got together. And I'd like to tell you something." He mused softly, smiling when Harry nodded. They continued to dance to the music, although closer together so Harry could hear him.

"You're perhaps the best and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You could tear my heart out right now with one word, and piece it back together with three." Draco continued, kissing Harry's face before twirling him once more. Harry's face grew even more confused, but his eyes were misty.

"And the scary thing is I'd allow it. I'd drop everything to make you happy, even if it meant leaving your life." He spoke quietly, and Harry could feel his breath hitch.

"It's a strange thing, how someone could walk into your life and you wonder how you lived without them all this time. Sometimes, when you're asleep, I'd lay awake and think of how it was fated to be." They had stopped dancing, and Draco was just holding Harry close to his chest. Harry was silently crying.

"And I love you, goddamn it. I love you Harry Potter, and I want to stay by your side forever. I'm not perfect. I'm an ex Death Eater- yes I am Harry don't give me that look- I'm a snob, arrogant, cocky, but I love the saviour of the Wizarding World." He paused then, removing Harry from his arms and placing him so Harry was facing him.

"Harry James Potter, I hate you with a burning passion." Harry laughed, watery, at that. "But I love you with all my heart, and even more. Hell, I love you with every fibre of my being because you deserve it." Draco reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. Harry's eyes widened.

Draco knelt on one knee, cracking open the box to reveal a diamond ring, with one red and one green jewel laced together.

"I'll love you until my dying day, and I'll love you even after that. My question is, what about you?"

Harry's hand that wasn't covering his mouth had the ring slipped on as he nodded, and Draco stood up.

Ecstatic, Harry leapt at Draco and smashed his lips on his own. The Room of Requirement slowly changed as the kiss got heated.
"You didn't answer my question, Harry." Draco trailed off, his voice raw and scratchy from screaming.

Harry smiled, mumbling happily about how much of a bottom Draco was before raising his head tiredly from the pillow. He spoke the next word with a woozy grin.


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