Warnings That Kill(14)

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"Headmistress!" A portrait called desperately, and McGonagall turned her head. The portrait of Severus looked frantic, and that was a bad sign.

"Yes, Severus?" She put down her pen she was using to mark her students papers, and stood.

"There's a Death Eater in the Hogwarts grounds." She raised a slender eyebrow, indicating that she wanted to know who. And why. "They don't seem to want Harry." Another portrait spoke, and McGonagall nodded.

"Minerva, if I may, it's Lucius Malfoy." The big portrait of Dumbledore spoke, fixing his half moon glasses on her face. They twinkled.

"Lucius Malfoy......" She trailed off, wishing for the portraits to say more.

"Wants Draco." Another portrait, although hidden, spoke. "And if he is on the Hogwarts grounds, then I suggest for them to have the Christmas break early." She nodded, and then an owl knocked on one of the windows.

"Oh?" She questioned, opening the window and slipping off the letter. It was pitch black, with silver writing.

Headmistress McGonagall,

I shall wait until 4 days after Christmas Break to...... retrieve..... something I wish to destroy that you have stolen from me.

It was not signed, however, Minerva did not need it to be. She recognized that handwriting immediately. Lucius Malfoy.
"Harry, they'll kill me!" Draco tried to reason frantically, and Harry simply rolled his eyes.

"You'll be fine Dray. You did save Fred after all." Harry tried to comfort his boyfriend. It didn't work that well.

"So?! I've been insulting them since first year, they'll kill me!" Draco started breathing quickly, hyperventilating, and Harry jumped to his rescue.

"Shhhh..... It's alright." Harry cooed, rubbing soothing circles on Draco's palm. Gradually, Draco's breathing evened, and he sighed.

"...Thanks." He smiled shortly at Harry, and he grinned back.

"They won't kill you as long as I'm there, alright?" Although reluctant, Draco nodded, earning a kiss.

Draco pouted as he pulled away, and Harry mumbled something about a 5 year old.

"Oi!" Weasley called out, beckoning to the two of them. "You coming?" Harry's fingers interlaced with Draco's and they nodded. Weasley was (surprisingly) nice to him since the whole 'Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy friendship' letting him come to the Burrow for Christmas. (After, of course, a few innuendos and a shade of red that would make Gryffindor proud sprouting on both boys cheeks.)

"Alright, I'll come back in an hour." Weasley walked off, probably to snog Granger, and Draco beamed.

"What are you smiling about.....?" Harry asked cautiously.
(Slight smut yes? Slight smut no?)
Harry looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow, and Draco, being Draco, launched into his arms.

Catching him with an expert reflex, Harry stared, confused at what seemed to be a 5 year old stuck in an 18 year old body.


Harry chuckled, kissing Draco with so much emotion, and they toppled backwards onto Harry's bed. Draco kissed back eagerly, and Harry licked Draco's bottom lip before prying it open with his own.

There was hesitation at first, (for neither of them had done this before), but it was soon washed away when Draco, awkwardly at first, slipped his tongue and it touched Harry's. He explored every corner and nudge of his mouth, and Harry let out a very un-manly squeak, for he had bit back a groan. Harry ran a hand through Draco's already tousled hair, and the battle began. Draco, of course, didn't win. However, that was because when it finally got heated and they were about to take it a step further, a knock was heard on the door.

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