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Harry couldn't help but give a sigh of content as he was pulled into a warm hug, which he gladly returned. His eyes were slightly open, so he could see the Slytherin green robes, and could tell this person had a strong, sharp, comfortable chest.

This person had the scent of green apples, roses and peach conditioner.

Draco?! Hugging me?! Harry thought, completely bewildered. He didn't think this would ever happen...

He buried his head deeper into Draco's chest and gave a happy sigh. He always had these thoughts about Draco, but he quickly locked them away, thinking something quite bad would happen if he didn't.

He thought about it again and decided to open up his cage of Draco- induced thoughts. Honestly, he thought it felt quite nice.

"Harry?" Draco asked in a soothing voice, snapping him out of his thoughts.


"Come to me if this happens again, understand?" Draco sounded sirius, but worried so Harry nodded.

"Okay." He mumbled into Draco's chest before detaching himself reluctantly.

"Okay." Draco said happily, a smile growing on his lips.

So, hand in hand, they strolled towards the castle.

I love Harry Potter?! Draco thought in disbelief.

And Harry, being Harry not in Ravenclaw Potter , thought nothing about what had occurred.
Hermione was currently talking to Ron about how excited she was for this year. 'A new year of classes!' She chirped.

Until, of course, the doors burst open to reveal an infuriating Ginny Weasley. She stomped over to Hermione and placed herself down, scowling.

Hermione opened her mouth to ask about Harry, for she new something was up, until the doors burst open once again.

Harry and Malfoy. She thought, confused. They weren't glaring daggers at each other, like she had expected. Their hands were locked together, and on further notice, they fit perfectly.

It seemed they noticed Ginny, and had turned away from each other, possibly to speak about it.

"Do they have a truce?" A Hufflepuff whispered quite eagerly.

"Finally." A Ravenclaw breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Are they together?" A Gryffindor 6th year asked her Slytherin friend, almost bursting with joy.

"I wish!" The Slytherin swooned, faking a faint and almost falling off her chair.

Hermione laughed under her breath at the rumours buzzing around. Of course, she had hoped that those two would eventually get together since the rejected handshake. Hermione constantly heard about these 'fan fictions' going around, and her face grew bright red just thinking about it.

Of course, she had always hoped Drarry was real someday. She knew it had to happen, she just... didn't know when.

I hope I don't have to force them together, Hermione felt a smile inching up to her face as she surveyed the two boys. The conversation with Ron long forgotten.
"Be careful, okay?" Draco said, raising an eyebrow.

Harry nodded and let go of Draco's hand, immediately regretting it. He felt cold. He bit his lip and sat beside Ron, who was looking at Harry, frowning.

"You broke up with my sister mate, that's- what is wrong with your face?" Ron spoke turning Harry's face so he could see the bruise.

Harry winced and debated whether to tell Ron that Ginny said it, or to let it go.

"Nothing." He said, and turned back to his meal that had just appeared.

Ron frowned at him and sighed.

"You're weird, mate."

"I tried being normal once. Didn't really work out, did it?" Harry retorted, smiling.

Ron chuckled and shook his head, "I'm still mad at you." He stated, but Harry could tell he didn't mean it.

"Harry, why won't you tell us what's wrong?" Hermione asked him, an he threw his arms in the air, giving up.

"You want the truth?" Harry asked, and both of them nodded.

"Ginny did it." He spoke, pointing at his bruise, and Ginny who was looking quite unhappy with herself.

"Ginny did what?!" Ron spat in disbelief, whipping his head over to Ginny.

"I forgive her." Harry continued, and Ron whipped his head back to Harry.

"Don't." Came Ginny's voice, and Ron whipped his head back to Ginny. She was smiling sadly at Harry.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Ron finally spoke up, confused.

"Honestly, Ronald." Hermione smiled at him. "Ginny broke up with Harry, and hit him because she was angry. It's quite simple."

Ron looked confused, angry, annoyed, and unhappy in a total of 0.8 seconds.

"So... you two are still happy, right?" Ron trailed off, and Harry and Ginny nodded their heads.

"You're going to have an earful from mum, but fine." Ron finally decided, and a sigh of relief came from the 3 Gryffindors.

As they slowly traveled back into their usual chatter, Harry felt something strange.

Like... something, or someone was watching him.

I thought this would be a normal year, Harry thought to himself, I guess not.

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now