Stuck with HIM(5)

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Draco groaned and opened his eyes slightly, only to shut them even tighter as the light hit his face. My head... he thought.

"-forgive him." A girls voice rang out. Draco stilled, and tuned into the conversation.

"But Melody-" A boy's voice. Draco couldn't place on who it was. Melody. Draco thought. I know her! That's that Ravenclaw girl who was in my Charms class.

"Look, he did save your arse during the war. You at least should give him that."
Draco mentally smiled. He could grow to like this girl.

"I guess so..." Draco tried to figure out who was speaking. A Weasley perhaps?

"Besides, look at Harry! He's so peaceful." Draco turned his head to the side slightly and opened his eyes a little bit. Harry's head was lying near Draco's chest and his hand was millimetres away from his own.

"I guess so." Draco mentally rolled his eyes. That boy.

"Yay, Fred!" Draco bolted upwards in surprise and faced the Weasley.


He laughed. "That's me." He spoke casually, and Draco's mouth twitched into a smile.

"Draco...?" Draco's head whipped around to face Harry, and a bigger grin spread onto his face.

"Harry!" He said, and Harry grinned back.

"Mr.Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked, and he mentally scowled at that woman. Draco was about to hug Harry for Christ sake, and she interrupted!

"Yes." Draco stated, his voice was calmer than usual.

"You're okay, but I'm afraid you have to stay with Harry for a few months. You see, when you fainted, you hit you're head fairly hard, and may faint again."
His eyes widened. Again?! He thought.

"You will be staying with Harry in a special room, and you are only allowed to tell your closest friends." She finished, and Draco groaned as she walked away.

"I see your stuck with him now, Malfoy?" Fred asked, and Draco whipped his head around to Melody and him.

"Fred!! Call him Draco!" Melody scolded him playfully, and Draco smirked. He could grow to like these Gryffindors.

Merlins beard! I'm turning into a Hufflepuff!! Draco mentally face palmed himself. He's a Slytherin through and through after all. Can't like Gryffindors yet.

But for Harry... I'll make an exception.
Harry James Potter was absolutely excited about the pairing up of Draco and him. The reason why, he did not know. But he knew that this would be life changing for him. How, you ask? How am I supposed to know? I'm not Harry.

"Earth to Harry." A hand was waved in his face and he snapped out of his trance.

"Yeah?" Harry questioned.

Are you deaf? Class is starting soon." Melody reminded him, since they were both in the same class for History of Magic. Personally, Harry didn't like that class at all, but he had to take it.

"But-" He started to speak, and Melody cut him off.

"Draco's fine. I'm sure you can survive a few classes without him."


"No buts Harry! C'mon!" She exclaimed with a roll of her eyes and they both scampered off to class.

After, of course, Melody tripping over her own two feet multiple times.
Fred Weasley sighed as Malfoy, Harry, and Melody walked out to attend their classes.

"C'mon out, Gred." Fred spoke, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. George came out from behind a bed, laughing.

"You owe me a few Galleons I believe?" George raised an eyebrow and stuck his hand out.

With a prolonged sigh, Fred reached into his pocket and dropped 4 Galleons into his twins hand.

"I was SURE it wouldn't happen yet." Fred muttered to himself, and George chuckled.

"Love works in mysterious ways."

"Especially when dealing with a Malfoy and a Potter."

"You got me there, Freddie."

"Will you STOP THAT?!" Fred half laughed, half scolded George, earning an eye roll.

"Never." George said, pausing.

"Always." Fred finished, high-fiving his twin as they walked out of the infirmary.

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