Smiles and Scars -Part 1(18)

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It was the day of returning to Hogwarts, and everything was finally going to plan. The Weasley's were accepting of Harry and Draco's relationship, as long as Draco had promised not to hurt him.

"Honestly Draco, I'm not sure how we would confess about our relationship to the other Slytherins and Gryffindors. What if it's a bad reaction?" Harry asked worriedly, and Draco shook his head.

"Harry, it'll be fine. And even if they seem to hate the idea, who cares? As long as we're happy, it'll be worth it." Harry rolled his eyes at his cheesy boyfriend.

They snatched up their luggage, walking down the steps of the Weasley household. Mrs.Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George were all waiting for them.

"Ah, there's the two lovebirds." Fred teased, and George laughed, putting an arm around his twin.

"It's a wonder they haven't snogged yet." George quipped, and Fred gave him a high five as the two boys blushed.

The twins were the most accepting out of the whole family, which was unusual. Although, they blamed it on a muggle show called 'OHSHC'. Either way, they had defended Draco when their mum and dad flipped out.

"Oh, shut up you two." Draco quipped, and Fred and George just stuck out their tongues.

"They're not going to, you know that right?"

"I tried."

"You did."

"I know."

"I'm being sarcastic."

"Shut up."


"Alright, boys! Let's get going." Molly interrupted their little banter, a small smile on her face. "We have to catch the train. Let's apparate." She offered, splitting the groups up into pairs.

"Mum, do I have to?!" Cried Ron, who was being forced to apparate with Draco, where Harry was with Ginny. Fred and George were together, and Hermione and Mrs.Weasley would be apparating with each other.

"Yes Ronald." She spoke with a voice of authority, and Ron sighed, but obeyed his mother.
They were about to board the train, and Mrs.Weasley was saying her final goodbyes.

"I wonder what will happen next?" Joked Harry, and Hermione chuckled at Ron, who was rolling his eyes.

"Who knows? Maybe a big battle, maybe facing a dog, or a snake." Ron suggested, and the trio went into a fit of giggles.

"All I know is that Draco is going to get injured." Harry spoke with a smirk, gesturing to Molly hugging an awkward Draco goodbye for the tenth time. Ron chuckled, and Hermione shook her head.

Draco finally managed to pull away, walking over to Harry and slipping his hand in Harry's grip.

"That woman, Merlins beard..." He quipped, climbing onto the Hogwarts Express.

"You liked it Draco, and you know it."

"Honestly, you need to shut your mouth."

"Honestly, I'm not goi-mmph!"

"You were saying?"
"-And then I said how-"

"Shut up! Look, there they are." Lucius spoke with a hushed voice, curling his pale fingers around the bark of an oak tree and peering out from the side.

He could clearly see Draco, who was laughing with.... Potter, Mudblood and Weasley. They contaminated the boy. He could have been such a great Death Eater.....

Bellatrix, on the other hand, had her eyes locked on Fred Weasley, licking her lips, she grinned. She'd kill that boy once and for all, even if her life depended on it. She let out a little high pitched giggle.

"I wonder what beautiful sound he makes when he's in pain......" She mused to herself, a state of bliss clearly written in her face as she began to drift off into her own thoughts.

Lucius let out a low growl, his hair blowing back in the frosty wind. He had said to attack in three days, but he couldn't bear to see that boy so happy like that.

"We attack tonight."

"Oh Lucius! I just love the way you think." Bellatrix giggled again, each word spilling out of her mouth like a purr of a cat.

"Send the message to the others. We need to be silent and sneaky, attacking with all the venom we can."

Bellatrix giggled, a higher pitch than the last, before spinning around and cupping her own face with her hand.

"Dusk." She barked, much like a commanding dog, before adding. "Lucius you're a true Slytherin. Just like a snake..." She whined, stepping to his side like a puppy and its master.

He scoffed. "And you're acting like a Hufflepuff, kneeling down to me and begging for attention." She frowned, steeping back, almost behind him and acted hurt.

"However, your my best soldier, so I shall let that slide. The Dark Lord would."

She shrieked with a certain bought of happiness. "Oh Lucius!"

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