A/N Information

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Okay sorry once again for the authors note and I know I have a lot of these, and I also know that you guys skip them quite often.

Just a bit of information on the story.

I'm thinking of ending this soon. I was actually going to end it last chapter but I decided not to, because I still needed some Drarry action in there.

However, I think that would also be a good enough end for the story and I could just post an epilogue. It would be quite easy to say the least, and I wouldn't have to stress about writing my other stories once I'm done this.

I'm only ending this sooner than I thought because I no longer have any exact plot points for this story. The plot twist and the major plot point (battle) have been written, and now the story is just wrapping up.

I'd be grateful for any feedback on this to be honest, because I'd like to hear what my readers think.

Putting that aside, OH MY BLOODY HELL.


I'm currently screaming right now because I never exactly thought that 10 people would actually enjoy my story let alone it getting 23K reads.

I'd provide special mentions but that would mean tagging everyone and I don't exactly think I have enough room for that. So I instead:

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you guys! A lot of you have made my day with comments, understood why I hadn't updated, or provided me with support on my story when I thought of dropping the whole thing altogether. I'm grateful for that, and extremely happy.

Along with that, I gained 83 followers???!!!!

LIKE WHAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hehehe :B

Anyway, back to the original point of this authors note.

This story will be ending soon, and if I'm correct it'll be 2 chapters until it comes to a close. Possibly three depending on if I put an epilogue or not.


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