The Note(9)

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It was lunch, and the Great Hall was filled with common chatter.


"No buts Ronald! We're both going to the library to do research."


Harry laughed at his friends little quarrel. Despite being together since the seventh year, they still have daily fights about the simplest things. He turned his head away and transfixed his eyes onto a certain blonde hair Slytherin.

He seemed to be writing on a piece of parchment, and Harry grew curious on what it was about. Draco then taped it to a pitch black owl, who flew off.

The owl landed beside Harry, and he marvelled on how handsome it was. Completely pitch black except for white tips on its wings, it seemed to bow down at Harry. Piercing mercury eyes stared up at him.

He gently took the letter from its beak, giving the owl a stroke on the head.

Black Lake after lunch

Was written in perfect cursive. Harry flipped it over to write his response, attaching it to the owls leg, who flew back to Draco.

Thoughts swam through his head like a fast running river at why he wanted to meet. A date? He thought, and them immediately rejected the thought of it. There's no WAY Draco would ask me on a date. He doesn't like me like that.

He went back to his food, unaware that he probably just made a certain blonde Slytherin's day.


Draco beamed at the parchment, careful not to scream.

"....Draco?" Asked Pansy, but Draco barely heard her.

A slap to the arm snapped Draco our of his trance, yelping because of the sting.

He glared at Pansy, whom would've dropped dead if it wasn't for her being the Slytherin princess.

"Draco! Stopping smiling, you're getting people suspicious." He immediately put on a scowl, but his eyes danced with joy. Pansy sighed.
Ever since he and Potter became friends... he 'misplaced' his mask.

Now, Pansy had no objection for Potter and Draco to be friends. Nor did she care if they got together. Well, okay. That last one was a lie.

If they got together, you can bet she'll fangirl for a good 20 minutes. But, so would anyone else.
"Harry! Mate, where you going?"

Harry raced out of the Great Hall, overly excited to see what Draco had planned.

"Draco wants me." He replied quickly, freezing when he realized what Ron would think.

Sure enough, Ron's face when pale, and then green, and back to pale once more. "Y-You and Ma-Malfoy....." He could barely finish his sentence.

"N-no Ron what....whatever you're thinking's not true I-I" Harry face palmed himself. Making it worse.

He sped away from Ron, only to avoid certain embarrassment, reaching the Black Lake quite quickly.

There was a white blanket underneath a dark green willow tree, and Harry could see the boy on the blanket.

"Draco!" He said, failing to bite back his happiness of just seeing him.

"Harry!" Draco spoke smoothly, but a smile just seemed to break through his defences.

Once Harry sat down on the blanket, the two of them got into a heated discussion about Quidditch, having a playful banter on which of two teams were better.
Time Skip To The Drarry >/////<
Draco's eyes danced with happiness as Harry laughed and his eyes shone with enjoyment.

Harry's eyes were indeed emerald green, with flecks of lime green and outside the pupil was a dark forest. There were the occasional brown flecks the colour of a new polished broomstick. Harry's eyes had seen the worst of what the world threw at him, but when Draco and Harry locked eyes, they seemed to shine with adoration.

"Draco?" He snapped out of his thoughts, and looked at the boy.

"Yes, Harry?" He mused happily, and Harry moved a little closer.

"I think I- I mean I...I just- Uhhh...." Harry's words seemed to trip over each other, trying to get out as quickly as possible and Draco smiled. Harry's cheeks went scarlet, and Draco thought of kissing them, but then again-

"IthinkIlikeyoubutIdontknowifyoulikeme." His words came out rushed, and Draco was taken aback that the boy whom he had a crush on since first year, actually liked him back!

Apparently, Harry had taken the silence the wrong way, and began to stutter out an apology.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't- mmph!"

Draco's lips brushed over Harry's gently yet with such fire that he almost fell over. Harry, shyly and gradually, began to kiss back.

Draco, if he could choose any moment to cry, it would be now. Of course though, Malfoys don't cry. He already broke that rule in 6th year and won't break it again.

Harry's hands were running through Draco's soft hair, mussing it up ever so slightly before they disconnected.

Their faces were a hairbreadth apart, and they could each feel the others ragged, warm breaths on their faces. Harry was the first one to speak.

"I'm sorry I'm not a great kiss-" He was cut off once more by Draco's hands cupping his face, and kissing his lips once, twice, three times before speaking.

"Harry James Potter. That was the best kiss I've ever had in my life."

Harry smiled sheepishly.

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