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A tall, dark figure was peeking out of the shadows. He had long, blonde hair and a malicious smile. Cold, stormy grey eyes danced with hatred in the cold winds. His fist clenched, his knuckles were white and his fingernails scraped against his palm. A flash of emotion spread across his face, and he gritted his teeth.

"Sir-" A man started, however he shot a sturdy glare the way the voice came. His eyes fixated on the Hogwarts grounds, a sneer flowing easily across his face. He always hated that poor, disgusting school, and now his son is in it. He knew all about Draco. Especially the fact that he is....gay. He hated that.

"Sir-" The man had started again, and the figure spun around.

"What." He spoke with a scowl, venom dripping on his words.

"When do I go distra-" The man was cut off quite quickly.

"Shut it. We don't want the readers to know our plan, do we." He was rhetorical, and the man knew that.

He turned his attention back to the infernal school, and a ghost of a smirk had flickered across his face.

"I'm coming, Draco Malfoy. And when I do, you shall pay." Lucius spoke, his eyes darting around the barren, snow covered grounds.
Draco was definitely rattled. Millions of thoughts swirled around his head, and they were mostly about Harry's safety. Sure, he wanted to be safe, but he always knew something like this would happen. After all, he is his father. More or less.

"Draco? You alright?" Harry pressed cautiously. Draco mentally rolled his eyes. Oh, Draco was not okay. Not at all.

"Yeah.." He assured Harry, and his boyfriend nodded. He turned to talk to Granger, whom had woken up, and Draco sink deeper into his chair. The Weasley's all went into their respective places, leaving Draco alone. And this time, it was not because he was being a git.

"Who wants hot chocolate?" Mrs.Weasley asked after a moments silence, and the whole room suddenly had a buzz of excitement. Draco visibly perked up. He remembered his mother giving him that when he had a hard time.
Mrs.Weasley was like a second mother.

"Could we do a Truth or Dare?" Asked Fred- or was it George Weasley. Probably Fred because he was holding Melody in his arms. Draco was surprised he remembered her from that long ago.

"Not too loud. And I don't want anyone drunk." She scolded, and Draco's lips twitched upwards. Was it usual for the kids to get drunk? Probably since the game had the twins in it.

"Alright." They had chorused, following each other up the stairs and into what should be Fred and George's room.

Cupping his hands over his mug, he took a deep breath in and relaxed. His palms were warm, and he could feel the heat radiating off of the chocolate. He put his lips to the warm surface and took a sip, the warm liquid sending a shiver down his spine. A soft, dream-like smile had wafted over his face.

Someone chuckled, and Draco broke his concentration from the cup to the people around him, flushing a bright, pale pink.

"Looks like ferret here has a soft spot for chocolate." A Weasley twin (should he call them by their first names?) teased, a mischievous smirk growing on his features. Harry had then laughed.

"Please, you do not want to see Draco over here on a sugar rush." Harry quipped, making Draco flush a couple shades darker. He could still remember that.
Draco was laughing. It was higher pitched, and it completely sounded like he was drunk. He was though. On sugar.

"Merlins beard...." Harry trailed off, mesmerized by the usual laid back boy literally bouncing off the walls because he gave him a bit too much sugar.

Draco giggled, as if he was 6 years-old, hugging Harry like he was his life line. His face was about two millimetres away from Harry's face, and he had a bright pink blush.

"Harryyyyyyy......" He murmured, and Harry looked at him with those sparkling green eyes.

"Dray, you're hyper." Harry spoke reasonably and Draco frowned. Of course he was.

"I don't careeeee........." He trailed off, and then got momentarily distracted by a bird on the windowsill.

"Pretty!!!!!!!!" He crowed, racing after the now terrified-for-it's-life owl.
>>>>>>Flashback End>>>>>>
That certainly broke the ice, all the teenagers laughing with complete surprise.

"Wait- so Draco's actually been hyper before?" Melody had asked, leaning foreword. Fred had snaked an arm around her waist, for she was leaning over a bit to far and would have fallen on her face.

Draco's eyes widened, and to his utmost horror, Harry James Potter had joyfully launched into the tale, Truth or Dare momentarily forgotten.

Everyone was cackling by the time he had finished, and Draco was glaring daggers at poor Harry. However, Draco only managed to look like a puppy scolded by its master. Harry chuckled.

"Awh, poor Dray." Harry cooed, making the room set off once again in laughter. Harry sat in Draco's lap, and he perked up.

"Scarface." Draco quipped, relaxing into a comfortable posture. Finally, the teens had calmed down. More or less.

"So, yes or no would you like to play Truth or Dare?" George.....? Finally blurted out, and they all nodded in agreement. Fred's eyes flickered to Harry and Draco, and lit up when he viewed Draco playing with Harry's hair.

"Alright, who should go first?" George questioned once more, and then the game began.
(Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy And Need To Update I Also Have Writers Block) (haha, FOB song title much?)
The game officially ended when George, whom was the captain of it all, broke of mid-sentence from containing all the laughter from before.

Draco had learnt that Harry actually likes the colour blue, and that Ron's favourite thing to do is play chess. Fred absolutely hates the taste of Vegemite (Dare), and George has a crush on a certain Gryffindor girl. Plus, Hermione has a stash of pictures of a muggle boy named 'Tyler Oakley' or something like that.

They learnt that Draco's favourite colour is green, but not because he's a Slytherin. Draco absolutely hates it when you play with his hair (Dare) and that Draco's favourite thing to do in the afternoon is read books.

"Bedtime everyone!" Called Mrs.Weasley from downstairs, and they all shuffled into their respectable rooms. Except for Harry.
Harry followed Draco into his bedroom, and Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, love?" He spoke quietly, as if the walls were quite thin.

"Mm tired..." Harry drawled, and he watched Draco roll his eyes, climbing into bed.

"Got to bed then." Draco stated, and Harry shook his head. His lips twitched into a smile when Draco groaned.

"Alright, Scarface. C'mere." Draco beckoned, and Harry, with a smirk, climbed into Draco's bed.

Draco's arms wrapped around Harry's waist, and Harry could feel Draco bury his head into his hair. Harry wrapped one arm around Draco's neck, and immediately felt comfortable. Draco was looking at him with those beautiful silver eyes.

"Love you." He spoke, and Harry could feel his breath on his neck. He shivered and Draco held him tighter.

"Love you more." Harry responded, becoming half-asleep.

"Love you most." Draco mused, and Harry felt his warm lips on his forehead. With a smile, he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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